Cyclone Gaja Impacts salt production

The cyclone Gaja had hit the coasts of Tamil Nadu and Andra Pradesh with a speed of about 184 kmph. The cyclone had also deposited a huge amount of sludges in the coastal areas.

Salt Production at Vedaranyam takes a hit

The town of Vedaranyam, in southern Tamil Nadu, is famous for two things salt pans and the bird sanctuary. Due to its location with Palk Strait in the South and Bay of Bengal in the East, Vedaranyam received double blow because of back to back cyclones.
As a result of back to back cyclones, seawater from both sides with slush entered the salt pans up to eight Kms from the shoreline. As the water receded it left behind the slush in salt pans including bunds, brine pits, bore wells and roads. Nearly 3,500 acres of salt pans are buried under the slush of one-foot height.
The salt production at Vedaranyam cannot be revived unless the sludge is removed.  It is estimated that the cost of clearing sludge comes to around one lakh per acre. The responsibility of the clearing of salt pans is vested with the Centre as salt is placed in the central list. A central team had recently visited the Vedaranyam to access the damage.


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