CVC to develop Integrity Index of 25 Government Organizations

The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) has decided to develop Integrity Index of 25 Government Organizations in line with its broader strategy and emphasis on preventive vigilance.
The index will be for bench-marking internal processes and controls within organisation as well as management of relationships and expectations of outside stakeholders.

Objectives of Integrity Index

(i) Define what constitutes Integrity of Public Organizations. (ii) Identify different factors of Integrity and their inter-linkages. (iii) Create objective and reliable tool that can measure performance of organizations along these above factors. (iv) Validate findings over period of time to improve upon robustness of tool that measures Integrity. (v) Create internal and external ecosystem that promotes working with Integrity where public organizations lead way.

Key Facts

The Integrity Index will bring out annual scores and rankings of Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), Public Sector Banks (PSBs) and Financial Institutions/Ministries/Departments of Central Government. It will be done by linking essential drivers of vigilance with long term efficiency, profitability and sustainability of organizations and create internal and external ecosystem that promotes working with Integrity in these public organizations.
CVC has adopted research-based approach for creating integrity index with the help of IIM Ahmedabad. The management of all 25 government organizations have been involved in development of the index and it will evolve with changing needs. It can be used by various organizations to measure themselves. Initially 25 organizations have been selected for development of the index. Subsequently, it will be extended to all other CPSUs and organizations of Central Government.

Central Vigilance Commission (CVC)

CVC is apex body of Union Government formed to address governmental corruption. It was established in February 1964 on the recommendations of the K. Santhanam Committee on Prevention of Corruption. It has status of statutory autonomous body and free of control from any executive authority as per provisions of Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) Act, 2003. The CVC is headed by a Central Vigilance Commissioner and has two Vigilance Commissioners.


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