Current Affairs: November 13, 2018
Main current events of November 13, 2018 are as follows:
National Current Events
Public Service Broadcasting Day celebrated on November 12 to commemorate the only visit of Mahatma Gandhi to the studio of All India Radio, Delhi in 1947
Gandhian Philosophy Award and Public Service Broadcasting Award announced on Public Service Broadcasting Day at All India Radio station, Delhi to commemorate Gandhi’s visit in 1947.
Navies of India and Indonesia holding exercise ‘Samudra Shakti’ from November 12 to 18 in Indonesia
India and Indonesia participated in Passage Exercise (PASSEX) named ‘Samudra Shakti’. INS Shakti and INS Kamorta participated in the maritime exercise.
India and Morocco sign an agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters
India and Morocco have signed an agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters that will broaden legal framework for prevention, investigation and prosecution of crimes as well as checks in funds meant to finance terrorist acts.
Twitter launches #PowerOf18 campaign to boost youth engagement for 2019 polls
Twitter launched #PowerOf18 aimed at encouraging the youth of India to contribute to public debate and participate in civic engagement in election season of 2019.
Former BBC journalist Mark Tully and Indian poet Jayanta Mahapatra win 2018 Tata Literature Live! Lifetime Achievement Award and Poet Laureate Award respectively
Will Mark Tully received the 2018 Tata Literature Live! Lifetime Achievement Award Jayanta Mahapatra won Poet Laureate Award.
‘A Great Association-Glimpses into the Life of Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha’ book authored by Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha released
‘A Great Association-Glimpses into the Life of Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha’ written by Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha is an outcome of the fundamental principle of Guru-shishya parampara and spiritual saadhana.
Union Minister of Chemicals & Fertilizers and Parliamentary Affairs Ananth Kumar dies in Bengaluru at 59
Ananth Kumar, Union minister for chemicals, fertilizers and parliamentary affairs died of cancer at 59.
Economy & Corporate Current Events
Industrial production, measured in terms of Index of Industrial Production (IIP), grows 4.5% in September
Industrial production grew at 4.5 per cent in September mainly due to poor performance of mining sector and lower offtake of capital goods.
4 innovators selected for early detection of TB, malaria by Tata Trust and The Global Fund backed Indian Health Fund
TB and Malaria innovators selected by The Tata Trust and The Global Fund backed Indian Health Fund (IHF) to leverage technology for improving early detection and prompt treatment along with promoting diagnostics feasible for primary health care facilities.
ISPRL signs MoU with ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company) to explore storage of crude oil at Padur underground facility in Karnataka
India signed an initial pact to lease out its underground strategic oil storage at Padur in Karnataka to Abu Dhabi National Oil Co (ADNOC) for storing crude oil.
Global Cooling Innovation Summit being organised in New Delhi on November 12-13
The Global Cooling Innovation Summit was inaugurated by Environment Ministery launched the Global Cooling Prize which is an international competition to incentivise the development of a residential cooling technology that will have five times less climate impact in comparison to the standard Room Air Conditioning (RAC) units sold currently.
PM inaugurates country’s first multi-modal terminal constructed on river Ganga in Varanasi and receives the first container cargo belonging to PepsiCo
PM Nrendra Modi inaugurated first of the four multi-modal terminals on the National Waterway-1 (River Ganga) as part of the World Bank-aided ‘Jal Marg Vikas Project’ of the Inland Waterways Authority of India.
PepsiCo becomes 1st company to use the country’s inland waterways for container movement by transporting products from its plant in Kolkata to Varanasi
PepsiCo India became the first company to use the country’s inland waterways for container movement by transporting products from its plant in Kolkata to Varanasi.
World Current Events
World Pneumonia Day observed on November 12 with its theme as ‘Stop Pneumonia: Invest in Child Health’
November 12th observed as World pneumonia Day to promote interventions to protect against the disease, prevent and treat pneumonia and highlight proven approaches and solutions in need of additional resources and attention with the theme “Stop Pneumonia: Invest in Child Health”.
Meeting of Trade Ministers of RCEP member countries held in Singapore on November 12-13; Indian delegate led by Union Minister for Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation, Suresh Prabhu
Union Minister Suresh Prabhu attended 16-member RCEP which is a trade pact which aims to cover goods, services, investments, economic and technical cooperation, competition and intellectual property rights at Singapore.
Nilambar Acharya named Nepal’s next ambassador to India
Nilambar Acharya is new Nepal’s ambassador to India. He replaced Deep akumar Upadhyay.
Sports Current Events
Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton wins Formula 1 Brazilian Grand Prix in Sao Paulo
F1 title Brazilian Grand Prix won by Lewis Hamilton fifth time consecutively.