World AIDS Vaccine Day: May 18

Every year, the World AIDS Vaccine Day is celebrated on May 18. The day is also called the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Vaccine Awareness Day. This year, in 2021,  the World AIDS Vaccine Day is celebrated under the following theme:

Theme: Global Solidarity

About World AIDS Vaccine Day

The day is commemorated to honour thousands of volunteers, health professional, community leaders and scientists who workers together to develop AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) vaccine.

Why is AIDS Vaccine Day celebrated on May 18?

The concept of AIDS Vaccine was rooted by the then US President Bill Clinton in his speech at the Morgan State University on May 18, 1997.

HIV Vaccine

Currently there are no licensed HIV vaccine in the market. However, medical treatments exist. Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) is recommended to control HIV infection. However, HAART must be taken life long. HIV virus mainly attacks the immune system of human body.

World AIDS Day

The World AIDS Day is celebrated on December 1 every year.

Organisations involved in AIDS Vaccine

  • HIV Vaccine Trials Network: A Non-Profit Organisation that connects physicians and scientists to conduct clinical trials of HIV Vaccine
  • International AIDS Vaccine Initiative: Non-Profit Organisation. Works to accelerate development of HIV vaccine.
  • South African AIDS Vaccine Initiative: Established by the South African Government

HIV in India

The total number of HIV patients in India as of 2017 is 21.4 lakhs. However, the number of HIV cases have been declining in India. Between 1995 and 2017, the number of HIV cases in India declined by 85%.


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