Page-34 of Summits and Conferences
Seventeenth SAARC Summit & Addu Declaration
Recently, the Seventeenth SAARC Summit was concluded in Maldives with the release of the Addu Declaration. Here is a brief discussion: What is SAARC? South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was founded in December 1985 by Ziaur Rahman and ..
Month: Current Affairs - December, 2011
Category: Summits and Conferences
5th IBSA summit, Pretoria and Tshwane Declaration
The President of the Republic of South Africa Jacob Zuma, the Prime Minister of the Republic of India Dr. Manmohan Singh, and the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Ms. Dilma Rousseff met at the Presidential Guest House, Pretoria, ..
Month: Current Affairs - December, 2011
Category: Summits and Conferences
High Level Summit on Climate Change at UN Headquarters
On 22 September, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon convened a high-level Summit on Climate Change, ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December. The summit brought together political leaders, including 100 Heads of State and ..
Month: Current Affairs - September, 2009
Category: Summits and Conferences