Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization Scheme

In the Union Budget 2021, Rs. 1050 crore budget has been allocated for Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM) for the financial year 2021-2022.

About SMAM Scheme

  • The SMAM scheme was launched in the year 2014-15.
  • The scheme was launched by the government of India with the aim of ‘reaching the unreached’.
  • The scheme seeks to reach to the unreached by making the farm machines accessible and affordable for the small and marginal farmers (SMFs).
  • It makes the machines accessible to the SMFs by,
  1. Establishing the Custom Hiring Centres (CHCs),
  2. Creating Hubs for hi-tech & high value farm equipment and
  3. Establishing the Farm Machinery Banks.
  • Under the scheme, the distribution of various subsidized agricultural equipment and machines are done to individual farmer.

Why this scheme was launched?

The Agricultural mechanization is crucial for the agriculture sector because this helps in improving the efficiency and effectivity of the inputs that are used in the crop production. It also helps in increasing the productivity of crops. Thus, this scheme was launched with the objective of increasing the efficiency, effectivity and productivity of the crops.

Components of the scheme

The scheme comprises of following components:

  1. The scheme makes the SMFs to connect with the hiring institutes that enables the SMFs to hire the machines because, purchasing the farm machines for SMFs is not financially feasible.
  2. It also raises awareness among the stakeholders by demonstrating the machine operations and skill development of farmers and youth.
  3. Further, the performance testing and certification of machines at the designated testing centres ensures the farm machinery effectively and efficiently.

Achievements under the scheme

Ever since the scheme was launched in 2014, Rs.4556.93 crores of funds have been released under the scheme for the States during the financial year 2014-2015 to 2020-2021. Under the scheme, around 13 lakh agricultural machines have been distributed so far. Also, 27.5 thousand Custom Hiring Institutions have been established as of now. The programs and schemes on farm mechanization have also increased the availability of the farm power per unit area. This power is used to perform various agricultural operations.


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