Page-3 of Current Affairs - October, 2023

Goods and Services Tax Appellate Tribunal (Appointment and Conditions of Service of President and Members) Rules, 2023

The Finance Ministry has recently issued rules governing the appointment and conditions of service for the president and members of Goods and Services Tax (GST) Appellate Tribunals. These rules, known as the Goods and Services Tax Appellate Tribunal (Appointment and ..



Biogas Adoption can Reduce LNG Imports

India’s energy landscape is on the brink of a transformation. A recent report by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) outlines a promising strategy to replace natural gas consumption with biogas and biomethane, ultimately aiming to achieve ..



“Calixcoca” Vaccine

Scientists in Brazil have developed a groundbreaking treatment for cocaine and crack addiction in the form of a vaccine named “Calixcoca.” This innovative vaccine aims to disrupt the effects of cocaine by triggering an immune response in the body, preventing ..



Nanophotonic Electron Accelerator (NEA)

Scientists have achieved a groundbreaking feat by successfully activating the world’s smallest particle accelerator for the first time. This remarkable achievement, with a size comparable to a small coin, holds immense potential for various applications, including the possibility of utilizing ..



2023 State of the Climate Report

This year has witnessed an alarming increase in the number of days with global mean temperatures exceeding 1.5 degrees Celsius. According to the ‘2023 State of the Climate Report: Entering Uncharted Territory,’ published in the BioScience journal, the year 2023 ..



Interconnected Disaster Risks Report 2023

A recent report published by the United Nations University — Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) has raised a red flag regarding India’s dwindling groundwater levels. The ‘Interconnected Disaster Risks Report 2023’ focuses on six environmental tipping points, including ..



Lok Sabha Ethics Committee

The Lok Sabha Ethics Committee, responsible for upholding ethical conduct among Members of Parliament in India, will address Nishikant Dubey’s complaint against Mahua Moitra. The committee’s last meeting took place on July 27, 2021. Established as an ad hoc entity ..



India and EU Strengthen Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea

In a significant move to enhance maritime security cooperation, India and the European Union (EU) conducted their first-ever joint naval exercise in the Gulf of Guinea on October 24th. This exercise came on the heels of the third meeting of ..



FLAMINGO Project and the Enigmatic S8 Tension

The universe, with its vast array of stars, galaxies, and celestial wonders, has long captivated the minds of astronomers and cosmologists. Among the myriad questions that continue to puzzle scientists, the distribution of matter in the cosmos remains a fundamental ..



RBI Mandates Minimum Two Whole-Time Directors for Indian Banks

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has introduced a crucial requirement for Indian banks, stating that they must now have a minimum of two whole-time directors (WTDs) on their boards. This mandate extends to the Managing Director and Chief Executive ..

