Page-20 of Current Affairs - October, 2021
India at 3rd position in RE Investment attractiveness index
Ernst & Young’s (EY) Renewable Energy (RE) Country Attractiveness Index was recently published in which India has been ranked at 3rd position. Key Points RE Investment attractive index ranks the world’s top 40 nations with respect to attractiveness of their deployment opportunities and ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2021
UN Biodiversity Summit begins in China
United Nations Biodiversity Summit started in China, on October 12, 2021. Key Points The key U.N. summit has been tasked with protecting biodiversity. Summit started in the backdrop of meeting among countries to tackle pollution and prevent mass extinction, before ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2021
Gati Shakti National Master Plan- Key Facts
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a Rs 100 lakh crore national master plan called “Gati Shakti National Master Plan” on October 13, 2021. Key Points This plan was launched for multi-modal connectivity with the aim of developing infrastructure to reduce logistic costs and boost Indian ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2021
Draft Regional Plan-2041 approved
The Draft Regional Plan-2041 was approved by the NCR Planning Board on October 12, 2021. Government has planned to submit the ‘final version of Regional Plan-2041’ by end of March 2022. Highlights of the plan The Draft Regional Plan-2041 paves ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2021
MHA begins tripartite talks with Gorkhas and WB
The Union Home Ministry started tripartite talks with “Gorkha representatives” from Darjeeling Hills, Terrai & Dooars region as well as the Government of West Bengal on October 12, 2021. Highlights Tripartite talks were started in a bid to resolve long-standing ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2021
NSO Data on Retail Inflation and IIP
National Statistical Office (NSO) released its data on “retail inflation and Index of Industrial Production (IIP)” on October 12, 2021. Key facts As per IMF, India’s retail inflation relaxed in September 2021, reducing to a five-month low. This was because ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2021
IMF’s World Economic Outlook- Highlights
In its World Economic Outlook, which was published on October 12, 2021, International Monetary Fund (IMF) improved its growth forecasts of the Latin American and Caribbean economy in the year 2021. Highlights As per IMF report, a recovery of 6.3% ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2021
EU’s first Green Bond issuance
The European Union (EU) attracted huge demand from investors for its first green bond on October 12, 2021. Highlights Huge demand was there as Brussels kicked off its efforts for becoming world’s biggest issuer of sustainable debt. Euro 12bn sale ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2021
Current Affairs- Today’s Headlines: October 14, 2021
Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for October 14, 2021 INDIA – Centre notifies new rules that allow abortion till 24 weeks of pregnancy for certain categories of women – Govt. withdraws travel advisory that added Covid checks, ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2021
October 11: US Indigenous People’s Day
American President, Joe Biden, has proclaimed October 11 as “Indigenous Peoples’ Day”. He has become the first U.S. president to formally recognize this day. Highlights The day was proclaimed after recognising the Indigenous peoples’ resilience and strength along with the ..