Page-13 of Current Affairs - November, 2011

Minimal Genome Project sorts can help in Colonization of Mars

We have read that in 2010, as part of the Minimal Genome Project, a team of the J. Craig Venter Institute synthesized a modified version of the 1,000,000 base pair Mycoplasma mycoides genome and implanted it into a DNA-free bacterial ..


Microfossils at Strelley Pool hint at life on Mars

In Western Australia, there is a remote large, dry, thinly populated region called Pilbara, which is famous for its vast mineral deposits. In this Pilbara region, there is a site known as Strelley Pool, where in 2007, some of the ..


Bisin: A Natural Preservative discovered

Researchers at the University of Minnesota discovered a natural preservative: “Bisin. The food-preservative properties of bisin could lead to food products that resist spoilage for years. It could spell the end of rotting food. The preservative can extend the food’s ..


Origin of El Tor in the Bay of Bengal

El Tor is a particular strain of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of cholera. It is also known as V. cholera biotype eltor, it has been the dominant strain in the seventh global pandemic. A recent study has ..


Economy grows 7.7% in Apr-June

The Indian Economy has shown the slowest pace in six quarters. Data released by the Central Statistics Office have showed growth in the April-June quarter of the current financial year stood at 7.7% compared to 8.8% in the same year-ago ..


RBI warns of Higher Inflation

Recently, RBI said that it expects economic growth to moderate to 8% or below in 2011-12 due to global uncertainty and rising interest rates. The central bank also expects inflation to be high for most of the year. Economic growth ..


Farmers actually pay 14% on subsidized 7% loans: NABARD Study

In the Union Budget 2006-07, the Indian Finance Minister had announced the subsidized 7% loan for farmers. A recent study by NABARD says that it actually translates into a 14% rate according to a study conducted by Nabard. However, n ..


New Pension Scheme posts low returns

New Pension Scheme is being promoted as long-term financial instrument for an investors old age security. But the latest data released by Government have presented a dismal picture. Investment Options in NPS: The NPS subscribers have two investment options. First ..

