Page-20 of Current Affairs - May, 2021

What is DSR (Direct Seeding of Rice) Technique?

DSR Technique is Direct Seeding of Rice Technique. This year Punjab Government has decided to bring one hectare of land under DSR technique. This is being done as the Government is expecting shortage of migrant labour. What is DSR Technique? ..


Current Affairs – May 15, 2021 [Daily News Digest]

GKToday provides daily summary of important Current Affairs Topics selected from National and International News. Here is the list of articles covered under Current Affairs May 15, 2021. Maratha Quota Issue: Centre file Case in SC The Government of India recently ..


PM orders Audit of Ventilators provided by the Centre

On May 15, 2021, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi ordered an audit of ventilators provided by the Central Government to the State Government and the Union Territories. Why the audit? It has come to the notice of the PM that ..


Assam Elephants Death-Report indicates Lighting

Around eighteen Asian elephants died in Nagaon district of Assam recently. It is a proposed reserve forest. Prior to this, such mass death of elephants occurred in 2001. Around 21 elephants were poisoned to death in 2001 in the adjoining ..


International Day of Families: May 15

Every year, the International Family Day is celebrated on May 15. It is also called the World Family Day. This year, the day is celebrated under the following theme Theme: Families and New Technologies History The World Family Day was ..


What are Notified Diseases?

The Black Fungus disease has been declared as notified disease in Haryana. This means that the Government Authorities have to be informed about each case of Black Fungus Disease. What happens when a disease is put under “Notified” Category? The ..


World Agri-Tourism Day

Every year the World Agri-Tourism Day is celebrated on May 16. This year, on the fourteenth World Agri-Tourism Day, Government of Maharashtra, Agri-Tourism Development Corporation is to organise International Conference on Agri-Tourism.  In 2021, the day is to be celebrated ..


Punjab to join COVAX facility

The Punjab Government recently announced that it is to join COVAX facility in order to increase its COVID-19 supplies. Why is Punjab joining COVAX facility? There is a huge vaccine shortage in India. This is slowing the vaccination efforts of ..


Mixing Covid-19 vaccines increase Vaccine Reactogenicity

The researchers in the University of Oxford recently launched “Com-COV Study “. The study was launched to investigate alternate doses of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and Oxford-Astra Zeneca vaccine. The researchers have concluded that mixing the administration of these doses in a ..


Mice Rain in Australia

The mice population in Australia has increased exponentially. The mice are causing extensive damages to the cultivated crop and stored food grains. This is being referred to as Mice Rain. Also, plague in the country has increased. Why is the ..
