Page-3 of Current Affairs - June, 2023

Compliance Status of Coal-Based Power Plants

India’s coal-fired power plants are facing challenges in installing flue gas de-sulfurisation (FGD) systems, which are crucial for controlling sulphur dioxide emissions and reducing air pollution. A recent analysis conducted by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) highlights the ..



How to Make Polluters Pay: Climate Finance to Support Global Equity

The Summit for a New Global Financial Pact recently took place in Paris, bringing together country leaders, finance ministers, and civil society organizations. A side event was held to discuss “polluter pays principle”.  Making Polluters Pay: Exploring the “Polluter Pays” ..



World Drug Report 2023

A recently released United Nations report has shed light on the growing challenges posed by drug use worldwide. The report, titled the World Drug Report 2023, provides alarming statistics and emphasizes the urgent need for prioritizing public health, prevention, and ..



‘In-country’ Renewable H-1B Visas

The United States authorities have recently announced a significant development in the H-1B visa renewal process. The introduction of ‘in-country’ renewable H-1B visas aims to streamline the renewal procedure for Indian professionals working in the US.   Understanding H-1B Visas  ..



Google’s ‘Perspectives’ Search

Google has recently launched a new search feature called Perspectives, aiming to provide users with a broader range of viewpoints on various topics. Presenting Diverse Content Sources Perspectives search on Google encompasses a wide range of content types, including long- ..



High Death Rates in Bee Colonies

Honeybee colonies in the United States are facing a concerning trend according to an annual bee survey conducted by the University of Maryland and Auburn University. While the overall number of honeybee colonies has remained stable, the survey reveals a ..



Burmese Peacock Softshell Turtles

The Burmese peacock softshell turtles, also known as Nilssonia Formosa, have recently hatched in Myanmar, bringing hope for the survival of this critically endangered species. The emergence of the hatchlings from their eggs took place earlier this month, and they ..



ASEAN to Hold First-Ever Joint Military Exercise in South China Sea

ASEAN, the Southeast Asian bloc, is set to make history by conducting its inaugural joint military exercise in the highly contested South China Sea. The decision was made during a meeting of military commanders from the 10-member Association of Southeast ..



Watermelon Snow – Current Updates (June, 2023)

Watermelon snow is a captivating natural phenomenon observed in snowy mountainous regions, including Utah, where the snow takes on a red and pink hue. This unique occurrence has been attributed to a specific type of algae and has fascinated both ..



Kyriakos Mitsotaki Wins Greece’s National Elections

Kyriakos Mitsotakis of the New Democracy party emerges victorious in Greece’s national elections, securing a clear majority. The election results mark a significant margin between Mitsotakis and the second-place Syriza party, the widest in almost 50 years. Mitsotakis and New ..

