Page-30 of Current Affairs - June, 2021

Russia formally exits from Open Skies pact

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently signed a law formalizing Russia’s withdrawal from Open Skies Treaty, after United States withdrew from pact in 2020. Key Points Open Skies Treaty is an international treaty that allow nations to collect information on one ..


World Bank approves program to boost MSME sector

World Bank has approved a USD 500 million program to boost MSME sector in India. World Bank Programme World Bank programme called “USD 500 million Raising and Accelerating Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Performance (RAMP) Program” aims to improve ..


Draft Rules for Live-Streaming of Court Proceedings

Supreme Courts’ e-committee released Draft Model Rules for Live-Streaming and Recording of Court Proceedings. Aim of this move Draft Model rules were released with the aim of bringing greater transparency, inclusivity and access to justice. What are those rules? Draft ..


World Employment and Social Outlook 2021

According to World Employment and Social Outlook 2021, global unemployment is expected to be increased to 205 million in 2022 as compared to 187 million in 2019. Key findings As per the report, jobs shortfall amid COVID-19 pandemic was 75 ..


Current Affairs – Today’s Headlines: June 8, 2021

Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for June 8, 2021 INDIA – SC releases Draft Model Rules for Live-Streaming and Recording of Court Proceedings; invites inputs from all stakeholders – Centre issues SOPs for vaccination of persons undertaking ..


Solar-Powered Bitcoin Mining facility launched in U.S.

As per owner of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, his payments venture Square will partner with blockchain technology firm Block-stream Mining in a bid to build an open-source, solar-powered bitcoin mining facility in United Nations. Aim of the move Launch of solar-powered ..


World Ocean Day 2021

World will observe the World Ocean Day on June 8, 2021 under the theme- ‘The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods’. About World Ocean Day The day is observed annually on June 8. The day provides governments across the world an opportunity ..


Delhi’s ‘Jahan Vote, Wahan Vaccination’ Campaign

Delhi government launched a vaccination campaign ‘Jahan Vote, Wahan Vaccination’ to vaccinate people of Delhi against Covid-19. Under the campaign, people aged 45 and above will be given vaccine at the polling booths. Highlights While launching the campaign, Chief Minister ..


Income Tax Department to launch its new e-filing portal

Income Tax Department is set to launch its new ITR e-filing portal, which can be accessed through website called “’’. ITR e-filing portal ITR e-filing portal will be launched with aim of providing a modern, seamless and more convenient experience ..


G7 deal on Minimum Global Corporate Tax

Recently, Group of seven (G7) advanced economies signed a landmark deal on taxing multinational companies. As per the deal, minimum global tax rate would be at least 15 percent. Key Points Agreement was signed by finance ministers of United Kingdom, ..
