Page-13 of Current Affairs - July, 2024

India-Taiwan Agreement Boosts Organic Product Trade

The India-Taiwan Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) for Organic Products will go into action on July 8, 2024. It is a plan to boost trade between India and Taiwan in the organic products sector. Even though the two regions don’t have ..



Bangladesh Joins Colombo Security Conclave as Fifth Member

The Colombo Security Conclave (CSC) is a group of regional security experts who work together to solve naval security problems in the Indian Ocean. The CSC was created in 2020 by India, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives as starting members. ..



What is Medical Devices Information System(MeDevIS)?

The Medical Devices Information System (MeDevIS), which was just released by the World Health Organization (WHO), is a major step forward in healthcare around the world. This online tool, which anyone can use, aims to improve how medical devices are ..



New Microcontinent Discovered Off West Greenland

Scientists have recently found a hidden microcontinent in the Davis Strait, west of Greenland. They have named it the Davis Strait proto-microcontinent. This finding shows how complicated tectonic movements have changed the Earth’s geological structure over time. Formation of the ..



Massive Black Hole Discovered in Omega Centauri

New studies published in the journal Nature have proven that the Omega Centauri star cluster has an intermediate-mass black hole. This group of galaxies, which is only 18,000 light-years away, is now the nearest huge black hole known to our ..



Romania, Bulgaria, Greece Boost NATO Eastern Flank Mobility

Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece signed a strategic deal on July 11. All three countries are members of NATO and the EU. This deal will make it easier for troops and weapons to move quickly across their lines, especially along NATO’s ..



First Budget of NDA 3.0 – Current Updates(July 2024)

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is going to give her seventh Union Budget, which will happen during the monsoon months, a time of natural renewal. This event shows that India’s government is stable and strong, and it especially shows how important ..



World’s Largest Ramayan Temple in Bihar

The second part of building the Viraat Ramayan Mandir in East Champaran, Bihar, has begun. This is a big step toward building what will likely be the biggest Ramayan temple in the world. This phase began on July 09 and ..



Madhya Pradesh Cabinet Approves Purchase of New VVIP Jet

The government of Madhya Pradesh recently gave the go-ahead to buy a new plane, a Challenger 3500 Jet Plane. To make it easier for VVIPs to get around, this choice was made with the help of Chief Minister Mohan Yadip. ..



What is Angel Tax? – Current Updates (July, 2024)

The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has suggested that the unpopular “angel tax” on startups should be gotten rid of. This could be announced in the Union Budget. The DPIIT secretary stated that a proposal to ..

