Page-44 of Current Affairs - January, 2022

World Braille Day 2022

Every year the World Braille Day is celebrated on January 4. The day is celebrated to spread the importance of braille. It is celebrated by the United Nations and several other international organizations. About World Braille Day In 2018, the ..



Khanij Bidesh India (KABIL)

Ministry of Mines has created a joint venture (JV) company called “Khanij Bidesh India (KABIL)” with participating interest from Hindustan Copper (HCL), National Aluminium Company (NALCO), and Mineral Exploration Corporation (MECL). Key Facts The equity participation ratio of the JV ..



Unified Presentment Management System (UPMS)

Wholly-owned subsidiary of national Payments Corporation of India, NPCI BillPay Ltd. (NBBL) introduced a unique functionality called “Unified Presentment Management System (UPMS) with the aim of enriching and simplifying bill payments in India. Unified Presentment Management System (UPMS) UPMS will ..



Bucharest Nine Group

The Bucharest Nine Group comprises of Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Estonia. The organisation was formed in 2015. It was formed under the initiative of Romania and Poland. It is also called Bucharest Format or ..



Indian SARS – CoV – 2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG)

INSACOG is a multi-lab agency. It was established by the Government of India in 2020 to monitor the genomic variations of COVID-19. In the beginning, there were ten labs. The number has now increased largely. About INSACOG The labs identify ..



2021 Gold Import in India

India reported a record $55.7 billion on gold imports in 2021. India bought more than double tonnage, as compared to previous tonnage, as a price drop favoured retail buyers. Key Facts 2021 gold import bill got doubled the $22 billion, ..



New Covid-19 variant ‘IHU’

Scientists in France have identified a new and more mutated strain of SARS-CoV-2 virus, causing covid-19 disease. Highlights New virus was identified, when the world is still grappling with highly mutated strain of coronavirus, called Omicron. Omicron has already been ..



GitHub App Case

On January 3, 2021, police apprehended an engineering student from Bengaluru to question in connection with its probe into two apps on which images of Muslim women were posted to “auction” them. Highlights The latest app came to light on ..



UNSC Statement on Nuclear War

UNSC statement on Nuclear War was published by Kremlin on January 3, 2022. Five nuclear powers, namely Russia, China, Britain, the United States and France, stated in a joint statement that further spread of nuclear arms and a nuclear war ..



Ayush Aahaar Pilot Project

The project was launched by AYUSH Ministry. Ayush Aahaar is a healthy diet. The ministry is to make this diet available in its canteen. What is Ayush Aahaar? It was launched at Ayush Bhawan canteen of the ministry. The project ..

