Page-21 of Current Affairs - January, 2015

Union government blocks 32 websites for spreading anti-India views and ISIS propaganda

Union government has blocked access to 32 websites for carrying anti-India views and spreading banned terrorist outfit Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’s (ISIS) propaganda. These websites were blocked after following an advisory given by an anti-terrorism team. The blocked ..


Tropical storm Jangmi hits Philippines

Tropical storm Jangmi has hit Surigao del Sur province on northern Mindanao in Philippines. This tropical storm is locally is known as Seniang. This storm had approached the land with gusts wind of 100 kph resulting heavy rain. This heavy ..


Union Government renames Planning Commission as 'Neeti Ayog'

Union government has renamed Planning commission as National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog. The renaming of the Planning Commission is being seen as the first step towards replacing it with a new-age institution. Key Facts about  National Institution for ..


Government signs $ 75 million loan deal with Asian Development Bank for KIUWMIP

Government has signed a loan agreement with Asian Development Bank (ADB) for 75 million dollars and 1.8 million dollar grant for Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program (KIUWMIP). This loan fund will be used in the three towns of ..


Government splits Chairman & MD post in PSU banks and names chiefs for 4 PSU banks

Government has decided to separate the post of Chairman and Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in public sector banks. With this decision government is breaking the tradition of having the heads of state-run banks act as both ..


Microsoft sues Indian firm C-Cubed Solutions for technical support scam

Microsoft has sued an Indian company C-Cubed Solutions along with other entities for misusing its name and registered trademarks by providing fraudulent technical support services to unsuspecting consumers. In this regard, Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit has filed a civil lawsuit ..


M Sathiyavathy becomes first woman to be appointed as Director General DGCA

IAS officer M Sathiyavathy has become first woman to be appointed as Director General (DG) of Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). She will succeed Prabhat Kumar, to become first woman to become the chief aviation regulator for period of ..
