Current Affairs - February, 2022

Gurudas Ravidas Jayanti

Guru Ravidas Jayanti has been recently observed on February 24, 2024, in the honour of birthday of Guru Ravidas. Key Facts This festival is celebrated with joviality in North India, specifically in Punjab. The day marks the birthday of Indian ..



World NGO Day 2022

Every year on February 27, people all over the world celebrate World NGO Day to honour the work and contributions of various NGOs. NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization, and it is a type of organization that works to improve society. ..



India’s Export of Fresh Fruits

Fresh fruits export from India has witnessed a major growth. The major destinations of exports of fresh fruits include the Netherlands, Bangladesh, the UK, the UAE, Iran, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Qatar, and Oman. Overview: In April-January 2021-22, guava exports ..



IAEA Extraordinary Meeting on Ukraine

The International Atomic Energy Agency has decided to hold an emergency meeting regarding the war situation in Ukraine. The country has four nuclear power plants that are operational and various waste facilities including Chernobyl. Overview: Board members Poland and Canada ..



‘Hit and Run’ Solatium

The Road Transport and Highways Ministry have decided to increase the compensation to the kin of hit-and-run victims by eight times to Rs 2 lakh in case of death starting April 1. The solatium for a person who suffers serious ..



U.S. Report on Sea Level Rise

According to NOAA-led report, The United States is likely to experience as much sea level rise by year 2050 as it witnessed in last hundred years. Key Facts The report was released by NOAA, in partnership with other federal agencies. ..



Watts on the moon challenge- Phase 2

American Space Agency NASA have planned to return to the Moon using innovative technologies, under Artemis, in a bid to explore more lunar surface than ever before. Key Facts These technologies will require lunar surface systems, which can deliver continuous, ..



Ladakh Ice Wall Climbing Competition

On February 26, 2022, the North-West Frontier Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) organised an ice wall climbing competition in Ladakh, for the first time. Key Points More than 100 climbers took part in the competition. It was attended by the lieutenant ..



Nepal: Approval of US Aid Grant

The parliament of Nepal has approved a contentious USD 500million US grant, despite opposition and street protests from the Communist parties. In 2017, the US government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) pact was signed by Nepal for infrastructure projects but its ..



SWIFT Ban on Russia

The United States and the European Union (EU) have decided to cut off a number of Russian banks from SWIFT, the main international payment system. Russia’s central bank assets will also be frozen, which will limit Moscow’s ability to access ..

