Page-4 of Current Affairs - April, 2022

NITI Aayog National Workshop on “Innovative Agriculture”

On 25th April 2022, NITI Aayog organized a National Level Workshop on “Innovative Agriculture” in Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. Overview: At this workshop the need to understand the fundamentals, science, and processes behind natural farming practices were highlighted. The step-wise ..



India- Maldives Renewable Energy Transfer Project

India and Maldives have agreed to set up a transmission interconnection for the purpose of transferring renewable power between both countries. This proposal was discussed during the meeting that was held between R K Singh, India’s Power and New and ..



New Ropeway Projects in Himachal Pradesh

With the aim of improving the first and last-mile connectivity through Ropeways, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the state government of Himachal Pradesh and National Highways Logistics Management Limited (NHLML) for the construction of Ropeways in the ..



Four years of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan 2.0

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan 2.0 (UBA 2.0) has successfully completed four years on 25th April 2022. On this day in the year 2018, UBA 2.0 was launched with the aim of bringing transformational changes in the processes of rural development processes. ..



Current Affairs- Today’s Headlines: April 28, 2022

Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 28, 2022. INDIA – Centre scraps MP (Member of Parliament), DM (District Magistrate) for admissions to Kendriya Vidyalaya schools – UP CM Yogi Adityanath asks Ministers, public servants to declare ..


India’s Steel Production and Export in FY 22

Faggan Singh Kulaste, Minister of State for Steel and Rural Development has announced that India exported 13.5 million tonnes (mt) of finished steel amounts to Rs 1 trillion, and has imported steel of about Rs 46000 crores. Overview: This impressive ..



World Intellectual Property Day

Every year on the 26th of April, World Intellectual Property Day is observed across the globe. This day is celebrated with the aim of raising awareness regarding the impact of how copyright, patents, designs, and trademarks affect our day-to-day life. ..



‘Angel Wing’: Image of Merging Galaxies

NASA has showcased a picture of two merging galaxies that are located in the VV-689 system. These two merging galaxies have been given the nickname “Angel Wing”, as both galaxies are on a collision course creating an almost symmetrical shape ..



Dispute over Kuril Islands

Japan has said that four islands near the Kamchatka Peninsula have been illegally occupied by Russia. The Japanese call these islands ‘the Northern Territories’ while Russia calls them ‘Kurils.’ Overview: The islands stretch north across the Pacific Ocean from Japan’s ..



What is a ‘Battery Passport’?

Germany’s Ministry of Economy, Robert Habeck, has announced that there are plans by a group of companies in the country’s automotive industry to develop a ‘passport’ that will be tracing the environmental impact of European batteries. Overview: The consortium consisting ..

