Page-29 of Current Affairs - April, 2022

Convention on Biological Diversity – Update (April, 2022)

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is a multilateral treaty and has three goals which are biological diversity conservation; the components are being used sustainably; and the equitable and fair sharing of benefits that arise from the genetic resources. Overview: ..



MoEFCC Order on Genome-edited Plants

The Indian government has issued an order for the first time exempting certain types of crops that are genome-edited from the stringent regulations that are applicable in the country on genetically modified or GM crops. This order will give a ..



WWF Report on Online Wildlife Trade

The World Wildlife Fund has released a report stating that in Myanmar illegal purchases of wildlife online are increasing which is causing a threat to both endangered species and public health. Findings of the report Following the 2021 military takeover ..



Global Collaboration Advanced Vaccinology Training

Indian experts who are managing the programme for national covid-19 immunization are collaborating with specialists from other countries to devise a comprehensive vaccinology-related training programme. Overview: In a ‘Global Collaboration Advanced Vaccinology Training’ meeting, the Indian specialists have participated. This ..



India’s Contribution to UN Women

USD 500,000 has been contributed by India to the UN Women, the United Nations agency for women empowerment and gender equality. Overview: The contribution was made by India to reaffirm the country’s valued partnership of gender parity and development that ..



Current Affairs- Today’s Headlines: April 4, 2022

Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 4, 2022. INDIA – Andhra Pradesh to have 13 new districts starting from April 4; total now 26 – World Health Organization (WHO) suspends UN supply of Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin ..


World Autism Awareness Day

Annually, on 2nd April, World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated across the world to spread awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the social interaction and communication skills of a person. Overview ASD symptoms ..



India’s Warmest Days in 121 Years

The analysis of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has shown that India has recorded its warmest March days, on average, in 121 years. The maximum temperature across the nation crossed 1.86°C above normal. Overview: This figure was mostly due to ..



UPI: 500-crore Milestone in Volume

In March 2022, India’s Unified Payments Interface (UPI) has crossed the 500-crore mark in terms of volume and in terms of value it was close to touching the Rs 10-lakh crore milestone. Overview: Around 540.56 crore payments have been processed ..



Public Emergency in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s president Gotabaya Rajapaksa has declared a state of emergency in the country which gives sweeping powers to the country’s security forces. This was declared after hundreds of citizens of the county tried to storm his house seething with ..

