Page-5 of Current Affairs - April, 2021

Current Affairs – April 28, 2021 [Daily News Digest]

GKToday provides daily summary of important Current Affairs Topics selected from National and International News. Here is the list of articles covered under Current Affairs April 28, 2021. US Population increases by 7.4% The Central Bureau of the United States recently ..


Varuna 2021: India-France Naval Exercise

The Indian and French Navies recently conducted the Varuna Naval Exercise in the Arabian Sea. The Varuna, 2021 is a part of the Clemenceau 2021. About Varuna 2021 The exercise included surface and anti-weapon firings, tactical manoeuvres, rotary wing flying ..


Python 5 Air to Air Missile

The Defence Research and Development Organisation recently test fired a series of missile trials. It included the Derby missiles and the Python missiles. The missiles were test fired in Goa and achieved 100% hits. With this the DRDO announced that ..


GNCTD (Amendment) Act comes into force in Delhi

On April 27, 2021, the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Act, 2021 came into effect. The act was passed by the Parliament during the budget session. The act gives more power to Lieutenant Governor (LG). Key Provisions ..


Cabinet approves Agreement between India and UK on Customs Cooperation

On April 28, 2021, the Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved the agreement signed between Government of India and the Government of UK. The agreement was signed on Customs Cooperation and Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs matters. ..


ADB raises India GDP forecast by 11%

The Asian Development Bank recently released its Asian Development Outlook, 2021. According to the report, India is to grow at 11%. The Asian Development Bank recently released its Annual outlook. The outlook says that ADB has provided a financial support ..


Earthquake in Assam

On April 28, 2021, seven back-to-back earthquakes occurred in Assam and other north eastern states. The first shocks were of 6.4 magnitude. Later, the jolts were at 3.2 to 3.4 magnitude in Richter scale. Roads were cracked and buildings tilted ..


Top 10 Important Days and Events Current Affairs Questions – April, 2021

When is the National Maritime Day celebrated every year? Answer: April 5 When is the “International Day of Conscience” celebrated by the UN? Answer: April 5 When is the “International Day of Sport for Development and Peace” observed? Answer: April 6 What is ..


WHO to provide 4,000 oxygen concentrators to India

The World Health Organisation recently announced that it will provide 4,000 Oxygen Concentrators to India to help the country in its fight against COVID-19. Help from other countries The following countries stepped forward to help India to combat against the ..


NEO-01: China’s robot prototype to catch space debris

A Space Mining Startup of China recently launched NEO-01. It is a robotic platform launched into the low earth orbit. It will conduct experiments on space debris removal technique. About NEO-01 The NEO-01 robot was launched on Long March 6 ..
