Page-10 of Current Affairs - April, 2021

Gambia eliminates Trachoma

Gambia recently became the second African country to eliminate Trachoma. Trachoma is one of the leading causes of blindness. Ghana became the first African country to eliminate Trachoma in 2018. What is Trachoma? It is a bacterial eye infection that ..


International Climate Finance Plan of the US

The US President recently announced the country’s new Finance Plan at the Leader’s Summit on Climate. The Summit was hosted by the USA. About the Plan The US has set a new goal to cut its emissions by 50% to ..


World Intellectual Property Day: April 26

Every year, the World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated on April 26. The day is celebrated to highlight the importance of Intellectual Property. The day is celebrated by the World International Property and several other international organisations. This year, the ..


Current Affairs 2021: Today’s News Headlines: April 25, 2021

Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 25, 2021: India 5 kg per person per month foodgrains to be given in May and June to the beneficiaries covered under the Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) and Priority Householders ..


Top 10 Defence Current Affairs Questions – April, 2021

‘VAJRA PRAHAR 2021’ is a military exercise held between the special forces of India and which other country? Answer: USA “Shantir Ogroshena -2021” is a joint Military exercise between India and which country? Answer: Bangladesh ‘La Pérouse’ is a Defence Exercise to ..


Top 10 Business, Economy & Banking Current Affairs Questions – April, 2021

What is the new inflation target band fixed for the next five years (2021-26)? Answer: 2.0 to 6.0 per cent What is the amount raised by the Government from disinvestment of CPSEs in 2020-21? Answer: Rs 32, 835 crore Which body ..


World Malaria Day: April 25

Every year, the World Malaria Day is celebrated on April 25 by the World Health Organisation and several other international organisations. This year, the World Malaria Day is to be celebrated under the following theme: Theme: Reaching the Zero Malaria ..


Current Affairs – April 24, 2021 [Daily News Digest]

GKToday provides daily summary of important Current Affairs Topics selected from National and International News. Here is the list of articles covered under Current Affairs April 24, 2021. National Panchayati Raj Day: April 24 Every year, the National Panchayati Raj Day ..


Top 10 Government Schemes Current Affairs Questions – April, 2021

What is the outlay made for the Production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme for the food processing sector? Answer: Rs 10,900 crores As per the ECLGS 3.0 recently announced, what is the new tenure of loans and the per centage of out-standing ..


SVAMITVA E-Property Cards distributed

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the distribution of E-Property Cards under the Svamitva Scheme. Around 4.09 lakh property cards were distributed. The cards were distributed on the side-lines of National Panchayati Raj Day celebrations. National Panchayati Raj Day Every ..
