Page-44 of Legal & Constitution Current Affairs

Gujarat Government withdraws Cattle Control Bill

The Gujarat Legislative Assembly had unanimously withdrawn the Cattle Control Bill after protests from cattle-rearing communities across the state. Key facts The proposed legislation sought to ban the movement of stray cattle on roads and public places in the urban ..



Draft Indian Telecommunications Bill, 2022

Draft Indian Telecommunications Bill, 2022 was unveiled recently by the Department of Telecommunications for stakeholders’ comments. Key features The objective of the draft bill is to consolidate and make changes to existing laws for the development, expansion and operation of ..



300 in Wipro fired for moonlighting

Wipro has sacked employees who were involved in moonlighting. What is Moonlighting? Moonlighting is the term used to describe an individual taking up a second job or multiple other work assignments besides his full-time job. The practice of working for ..



ECI seeks restrictions on cash donations to political parties

The Chief Election Commissioner has written to the Union Law Ministry to limit anonymous political donations. He has provided several recommendations reduce election funding via black money. Key recommendations Disclose donations above Rs.2,000: Under the current rules, political parties are ..



Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act, 2022

The Home Affairs Ministry has notified the rules governing the implementation of the Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act, 2022. Key facts The Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act, 2022 repeals the Identification of Prisoners Act, 1920, whose scope was limited to collecting finger ..



Indian Government to set up panel to study status of SC converts to Islam and Christianity

The Central Government will constitute a national commission to study the social, economic and educational status of members of Scheduled Castes or Dalits who have converted to religions other than Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism. Key facts This proposed commission is ..



Karnataka Right to Freedom of Religion Bill

The ‘Karnataka Protection of Right to Freedom of Religion Bill’ was recently passed by the state legislative council. Key facts Karnataka’s anti-conversion bill was passed by the legislative assembly in December 2021. The bill bans forced religious conversions by direct ..



Advocate Mukul Rohatgi reappointed as Attorney General for India

Senior Advocate Mukul Rohatgi is set to become the Attorney General for India for the second time. Key facts Senior advocate Mukul Rohatgi is set take up the post of the top law officer in India from October 1. The ..



Committee to draft National Cooperation Policy

Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah recently announced the formation of a committee to draft a National Cooperation Policy document. Key Points The 47-member committee will be headed by former Union Minister Suresh Prabhu. The committee also includes experts ..



Bill to rename “Delhi International Arbitration Centre”

On August 8, 2022, Lok Sabha have nod to “New Delhi International Arbitration Centre (Amendment) Bill, 2022”. The bill seeks to rechristen New Delhi International Arbitration Centre as “India International Arbitration Centre”. New Delhi International Arbitration Centre (Amendment) Bill, 2022: ..

