Page-43 of Legal & Constitution Current Affairs

SC’s split verdict on Karnataka’s Hijab Ban

The Supreme Court delivered a split verdict on pleas contesting the Karnataka High Court’s refusal to lift hijab ban in educational institutions in Karnataka. Key facts The Karnataka HC held that wearing hijab is not part of the essential religious ..



Multi-State Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Bill, 2022

The Union Cabinet recently approved changes to the Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act, 2002. Key facts The Central Government approved the Multi-State Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Bill, 2022. It incorporates the 97th Constitutional Amendment, which provided constitutional status to cooperative societies in ..



Justice DY Chandrachud: 50th Chief Justice of India

Justice Dhananjaya Yeshwant Chandrachud is set to become the 50th Chief Justice of India (CJI) in November 2022. Key facts The current CJI Chief Justice of India U.U. Lalit nominated Justice DY Chandrachud as his successor during a meeting involving ..



Adoption of world’s first single charger rule

The European Parliament has approved the new rule to introduce single charging port for electronic gadgets by 2024 in the EU. Key facts The new EU law states that all new smartphones, tablets and camera will have a single standard ..



SC Order on Legal Abortion

The Supreme Court recently held that women, regardless of their marital status, are entitled to safe and legal abortion until 24 weeks of pregnancy. Key facts The apex court held that any differentiation between a married or unmarried woman under ..



R Venkataramani: New Attorney General of India

R Venkataramani, a senior advocate in the Supreme Court, has been appointed as the Attorney General of India for a period of three years. Key facts R Venkataramani is a lawyer having an experience of 42 years of practice in ..



Duare Ration Scheme declared void

The Calcutta High Court has recently held that West Bengal Government’s Duare Ration Scheme is illegal. Key facts A Division Bench of the Calcutta High Court held that the Duare Ration Scheme ultra vires the National Food Security Act, 2013 ..



Livestreaming of Constitutional Bench Proceedings

For the first time, India’s apex court livestreamed the three separate constitutional bench proceedings simultaneously in YouTube. Key facts More than 8 lakh people viewed the proceedings before the three Constitution Benches. The livestreaming was closely monitored by technical support ..



The Kannada Language Comprehensive Development Bill

The Kannada Language Comprehensive Development Bill was tabled at the Karnataka Legislative Assembly. Key facts The Kannada Language Comprehensive Development Bill gives preference to Kannadigas in government jobs and provides reservations to locals in private jobs generated in the state. ..



Committee for pharma marketing practices

A high-level committee has been set up to regulate the promotion of pharmaceutical products. Key facts The Government has set up a five-member committee chaired by Dr VK Paul, NITI Aayog member (health) to create a legal mechanism to address ..

