Page-40 of Legal & Constitution Current Affairs

Supreme Court notice on BBC Documentary ban

The issue is related to the 2002 riots that happened in Gujarat. It is also called 2002 violence. A train was burnt in Godhra and more than 58 Hindu pilgrims died. The pilgrims were all returning from Ayodhya. This incident ..



UAE-Federal Personal Status Laws

UAE is a Muslim country conservative about its religion. The laws of the UAE are in sync with its religion. In recent times, due to harsh punishments businessmen are turning away from the country. The country is losing its international ..



Delhi’s Child Rights Body’s WhatsApp chatbot

The Government of Delhi constituted the Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR) under the Commission for Protection of Child Rights (CPCR) Act, 2005. Since its constitution, the DCPCR launched several technological interventions to establish a good communication link ..



Doctrine of Necessity Principle

The post of Chairman of the Competition Commission of India has been vacant since the retirement of Mr.Ashok Kumar Gupta in October 2022. Also, currently, there are only 2 members in the CCI. There are many mergers and acquisitions pending ..



What is Angel Tax?

The Section 56 (2) (vii b) in the Income Tax Act is referred to as Angel tax. These taxes are imposed on startups. Say a startup SSS sells one lakh shares to a person X. Selling price of one share ..



Jharkhand Domicile Bill-Update

The Jharkhand Government passed the Domicile Bill and the bill was sent to the governor for his assent. The governor refused to sign the bill. According to the Governor, the bill fails to provide equal employment opportunities to all the ..



E – Waste (Management) Amendment Rules, 2023

The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change released the E-Waste Management Rules in 2022. It is expected to come into effect in 2023. CPCB was appointed as the regulatory body to implement the rules. The rules target companies ..



HC: Foreigners can invoke Domestic Violence Act before Indian courts

An estranged wife, a US citizen, filed a domestic violence case in the Madras High court. She filed the complaint to a Mahila Court under the Domestic Violence Act, 2005. To counter her case, the husband filed a petition to ..

