Page-47 of Important Days & Events Current Affairs

National Civil Services Day

On the 21st of April every year, National Civil Services Day is observed to acknowledge the work of all the officers across the country who are engaged in various public service departments. This day also acts as a reminder to ..



Telangana SpaceTech Framework

On 19th April 2022, the government of Telangana launched its first space-tech Framework. This framework was launched with the vision of establishing the state as a globally recognized destination for space technology. Overview: This launch event was hosted on the ..



National Apprenticeship Mela 2022

On 21st April 2022, in more than 700 locations the National Apprenticeship Mela 2022 will be organized. This event is being organized by Skill India in association with the Directorate General of Training. Aim of this initiative The aim of ..



National Cyber Security Incident Response Exercise (NCX India)

The National Cyber Security Incident Response Exercise (NCX India) is being organized by the National Security Council Secretariat for government officials and critical sector organizations with the aim of strengthening the cyber posture of the country. Overview: On 18th April ..



World Heritage Day – Update (April, 2022)

On the 18th of April every year, World Heritage Day is celebrated across the world. This day is also known as the International Day for Monuments and Sites. Overview: This day is observed to generate awareness about the importance of ..



World Chagas Day

World Chagas Day is observed annually on the 14th of April. This day is celebrated to raise awareness about this life-threatening disease that can cause digestive and heart issues. Overview: This disease is also known as the American trypanosomiasis, silenced ..



Tamil Nadu: ‘Equality Day’ on Ambedkar’s Birth Anniversary

Tamil Nadu celebrated 14th April 2022, the birth anniversary of Dr. BR Ambedkar as ‘Equality Day’ from this year onwards. A pledge was also taken across the state on this day. Overview: The pledge that was taken in all government ..



‘Tree City of the World’ Tag

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (UN-FAO) along with Arbor Day Foundation has recognized Hyderabad and Mumbai jointly as the ‘2021 Tree City of the World.’ Overview: The recognition has been won by the two Indian cities due to ..



103 years of Jallianwala Bagh massacre

103 years ago, on 13th April 1919, the horrific Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place. To date, it is one of the country’s darkest days in history. On this day, General Reginald Dyer of the British Empire ordered his troops to ..



International Day of Human Space Flight

On the 12th of April, the International Day of Human Space Flight is celebrated annually. This day is celebrated to commemorate humankind’s beginning of the space era and also highlights the importance of space technology and science. History of the ..

