Page-4 of Important Days & Events Current Affairs

Mount Fuji Records Latest Snowless Date in History

Japan’s iconic Mount Fuji has yet to receive its first snowfall of the season. This is unprecedented, marking the latest date without snow since records began in 1894. The previous record was October 26, noted in 1955 and 2016. This ..



World Polio Day – October 24 – Current Updates (October, 2024)

World Polio Day is observed on October 24 every year. It aims to raise awareness about the fight against poliomyelitis. This day was established by Rotary International in honor of Dr Jonas Salk. He developed the first successful polio vaccine. ..



United Nations Day – October 24

United Nations Day is celebrated on October 24 each year. This day marks the founding of the United Nations (UN) in 1945. The UN Charter was ratified by a majority of its signatories, including the five permanent members of the ..



Great Nicobar Island Gains 13th Major Port Status

The Galathea Bay port in Great Nicobar Island was designated as India’s 13th major port. This follows the establishment of Kamarajar Port as the 12th major port a quarter century earlier. The new port is set to transform maritime trade ..



World Osteoporosis Day 2024 Observed on October 20

World Osteoporosis Day is observed every year on 20 October. This day aims to raise awareness about osteoporosis and metabolic bone diseases. The campaign lasts a full year and is organised by the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF). Events take place ..



National Wildlife Week 2024 – Oct 02 to 08

On the eve of Wildlife Week 2024, the Department of Wildlife Protection in Jammu and Kashmir kicked off celebrations with an inaugural event at the beautiful Dachigam National Park. This year’s theme is celebrating nature’s beauty and highlighting the vital ..



Solar Eclipses on October 2

On October 2, 2024, an annular solar eclipse will take place. This means that people in certain parts of South America will be able to see the Moon cover the center of the Sun, leaving a bright ring around the ..



“Pact for the Future”

World leaders have officially adopted the “Pact for the Future,” which is an important agreement aimed at promoting global peace, sustainability, and inclusivity for future generations. This declaration is designed to address the pressing issues that the world faces today ..



World Gorilla Day

World Gorilla Day, celebrated on September 24, reminds us of the importance of protecting gorillas, who are our closest relatives after chimpanzees. This day calls on people to take action to help gorillas, guided by international agreements like the Convention ..



India Celebrates First National Space Day on August 23

India celebrated its very first National Space Day on August 23, 2024. The theme for the day was “Touching lives while touching the Moon: India’s space saga,” highlighting how the country’s space missions impact everyday life while also reaching extraordinary ..

