Page-37 of Important Days & Events Current Affairs

October 31: World Cities Day

World Cities Day is observed on October 31 to promote international cooperation in the promotion of global urbanization and address related challenges. What is the theme for World Cities Day 2022? The theme for World Cities Day has been the ..



India Space Congress 2022

India Space Congress 2022 (ISC 2022) was organized from October 26 to 28 this year in New Delhi. What is ISC 2022? India Space Congress is an international congress that brings together government, industrial experts, policymakers, thought leaders, legal professionals ..



India Sweden Innovation Day 2022

This year, 9th edition of the India-Sweden Innovation Day was observed. What is India-Sweden Innovation Day? India-Sweden Innovation Day is observed every year to promote bilateral cooperation between India and Sweden in areas like sustainable industrial development and green transition ..



‘Chintan Shivir’ of Home Ministers

The two-day Chintan Shivir of Home Ministers was held in Haryana. What is Chintan Shivir of Home Ministers? The event Chintan Shivir of Home Ministers aims to provide a national perspective to the formation of policies related to internal security ..



October 27: World Day for Audio-visual Heritage

October 27 is observed on World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. Why is World Day for Audiovisual Heritage observed? World Day for Audiovisual Heritage aims to raise global awareness about the importance of the preservation of recorded sound and audiovisual documents. ..



Infantry Day – Update (October, 2022)

The 76th Infantry Day was celebrated by the Indian Army recently. When is Infantry Day celebrated? Infantry Day is observed on October 27 each year to give recognition to the contributions of Infantry – the largest fighting arm of the ..



UN Disarmament Week

The UN Disarmament Week is observed from October 24 to 30. Key facts The UN Disarmament Week is observed to raise awareness and improve understanding of the significance and challenges of disarmament. The week starts on October 24, which marks ..



Fifth Khelo India Youth Games

The Fifth Khelo India Youth Games 2022 is set to be organized in Madhya Pradesh from January 31 to February 11 next year. Key facts The Fifth Khelo India Youth Games 2022 is set to be held in 8 cities ..

