Page-32 of Important Days & Events Current Affairs

2nd UN World Geospatial International Congress

The second edition of the UN World Geospatial International Congress is being organized in Hyderabad, Telangana from October 10 to 14 this year. Key facts The 2nd United Nations World Geospatial Information Congress (UNWGIC 2022) is being hosted by the ..



October 11: International Day of Girl Child – Update (October, 2022)

International Day of Girl Child is observed on October 11 each year. Key facts International Day of the Girl Child aims to raise global awareness about the gender inequality faced by girls across the world. On this occasion, the United ..



Tele-MANAS initiative

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day (October 10, 2022), the Indian Government launched the Tele-MANAS initiative. Key facts Launched by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Tele Mental Health Assistance and Networking Across States (Tele-MANAS) initiative ..



Rajasthan International Folk Festival

The 13th edition of the Rajasthan International Folk Festival was organized from October 6 to 10 this year. Key facts The Rajasthan International Folk Festival (RIFF) was organized at the Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur after two years of hiatus caused ..



National Conference on Skilling in NTL for Girls ‘Betiyan Bane Kushal’

National Conference on Skilling in Non-Traditional Livelihood (NTL) for Girls ‘Betiyan Bane Kushal’ will be organized on October 11, 2022. Key facts The national conference will be held under the Indian Government’s Beti Bachao Beti Padhao initiative. It will be ..



October 10: World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is observed on October 10 to raise global awareness about mental health problems across the world. Key facts World Mental Health Day is observed every year to increase international awareness about the mental health and related ..



Indian Air Force Day

The 90th anniversary of the Indian Air Force (IAF) was celebrated on October 8, 2022. Key facts This year, the celebration of the Indian Air Force Day is organized outside Delhi for the first time. It is being organized in ..



October 7: World Cotton Day

World Cotton Day is observed on October 7 each year to promote the production, transformations, sale and consumption of cotton. Key facts 2022 marks the third anniversary of World Cotton Day. The theme for this year’s World Cotton Day is ..



Mysuru Dasara Festival

Mysuru Dasara Festival was celebrated from September 26 to October 5 this year. Key facts Mysuru Dasara is a 10-day festival that commences with Navratri and concludes during the Vijayadashami. It is usually observed on the 10th day of the ..



World Space Week 2022

World Space Week is observed from October 4 to 10 every year. Key facts World Space Week is observed to create awareness about space activities, inspire next generation to contribute to those activities and promote international cooperation in space outreach ..

