Global Ebola vaccine stockpile

The Global Ebola Vaccine stockpile was recently established by four international health and humanitarian organizations.

What are the four international organizations that established Global Ebola Vaccine Stockpile?

World Health Organization (WHO), Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and UNICEF.

What is International Coordinating Group (ICG)?

Together WHO, MSF, UNICEF and IFRC (the above 4 organizations) are called the International Coordinating Group.

Who is to provide financial support to the Global Ebola Vaccine Stockpile?

GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation), the vaccine alliance.

What is the current status of Ebola vaccine?

The Ebola Vaccine was licensed by the European Medicines Agency in November 2019. The vaccine was pre-qualified by World Health Organization. It has also been licensed by US Food and Drug Administration. Also, the vaccine has been licensed in eight African countries.

Who is to manage the Ebola vaccine stockpile?

UNICEF is to manage the Ebola vaccine stockpile on behalf of ICG.

What are the other vaccines stockpiles managed by UNICEF?

Meningitis, Cholera and Yellow Fever vaccine stockpiles.

How will the vaccines be delivered under the Global Ebola Vaccine Stockpile?

  • The decision to allocate the vaccine is to be made within 48 hours of receiving the request from a country.
  • The vaccines are to be made available together with ultra-cold chain packaging.
  • The overall delivery time of the vaccine from the stockpile to the countries is seven days.

Are there natural markets for Ebola Vaccine?

No. This is because, the Ebola outbreaks are rare and unpredictable. Therefore, there is no natural markets for Ebola currently.

Is Global Ebola Vaccine Stockpile the only way to obtain Ebola vaccine?


What is SAGE-recommended requisite of an emergency stockpile of vaccine?

500,000 doses. This means that when a stockpile of vaccine is established, it should have at least 500,00 doses.

What is SAGE?

SAGE is Strategic Advisory Group of Experts operating under WHO.


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