Page-49 of Environment Current Affairs

Tropical Storm Greg

Tropical Storm Greg, surging across a distance of 1,000 miles, draws near to Hawaii, compounding the challenges faced by the region already grappling with wildfires. While experts highlight the potential interaction between Greg and a northern high-pressure system, they suggest ..



Carbon Dioxide Drives Volcanic Eruption

A groundbreaking study challenges conventional wisdom by revealing that carbon dioxide (CO2), not water vapor, is the driving force behind the eruption of basaltic volcanoes. Researchers studying magma from Pico do Fogo, a highly active ocean island volcano, detected elevated ..



Childhood Exposure to Lead Increases Risk of Criminal Behaviour in Adulthood

Lead exposure, known for its damaging effects on wildlife and human health, has long been linked to developmental and cognitive impairments. Recent research from George Washington University underscores the connection between early-life lead exposure and an increased risk of criminal ..



Microplastics in Human Hearts

A recent study published by the American Chemical Society reveals a shocking discovery – microplastics, particles smaller than five millimeters, have been found in the human heart. These minuscule plastic particles, originating from sources like clothing fibers and other plastic ..



Elephant Population Estimates

The recently released Elephant Population Estimates conducted jointly by the states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala reveal varying trends in elephant populations. While Karnataka and Tamil Nadu witnessed slight increases in elephant numbers between 2017 and 2023, Kerala experienced ..



Enhanced Analysis of Global Water Distribution

A recent analysis by scientists from the University of Bonn reveals that droughts worldwide are more widespread than previously recorded by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data from 2002-2017. The study combines GRACE satellite measurements with the WaterGAP ..



Climate Change Fuels Spread of Plant Pests

Tea plantations in India are facing unprecedented challenges as the tea mosquito bug, typically confined to low elevation areas, is spreading to high elevation plantations due to climate change. The bug’s expansion has resulted in significant decreases in tea production ..



Hawaiian Island of Maui Devastated by Wildfires

Wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui have left a landscape of destruction, with at least 100 reported deaths and numerous survivors recounting tales of narrowly escaping the flames. The fires caught the island by surprise, destroying over 1,000 structures, ..

