Page-31 of Environment Current Affairs

Pakistan: Punjab Government to Use Artificial Rain Against Smog

The Punjab government of Pakistan announced plans to deploy artificial rain to address severe smog in Lahore. This decision follows Lahore being named the world’s most polluted city, with an alarming Air Quality Index (AQI) level of 394. Such levels ..



Diamond Dust Proposed as Geoengineering Solution for Global Warming

A new study published in Geophysical Research Letters suggests that diamond dust could be an effective SRM material. The study compared seven compounds and found diamonds to be the most efficient for reflecting solar radiation. Researchers propose spraying five million ..



Wetlands Vital in Global Biodiversity Strategies

The UN Biodiversity Conference is currently underway in Cali, Colombia. A recent assessment by 35 percent ltd, commissioned by Wetlands International, marks the importance of wetlands in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs). This assessment follows COP15, where nations ..



Koalas Face Extinction: Causes and Conservation Efforts

Koalas, iconic Australian marsupials, face imminent extinction. Their populations have plummeted to between 95,000 and 524,000. In 2022, the government classified East Coast koalas as ‘endangered’. Various factors contribute to their decline, including habitat loss and disease. Factors Contributing to ..



Cyclone Dana Expected to Form in Bay of Bengal

A new cyclone is expected to form in the Bay of Bengal. It will be named ‘Dana’, which means a beautiful, precious pearl in Arabic. This name was proposed by Qatar. The cyclone is predicted to intensify within the next ..



What is fourth global coral bleaching event (GCBE4)?

The fourth global coral bleaching event (GCBE4) began in January 2023. It is the most extensive and rapid coral bleaching event recorded. According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 99.9% of coral reefs in the Atlantic Ocean have experienced ..



What are ‘Forever Chemicals’?

A recent study has found toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ in drinking water worldwide. These chemicals, known as perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), were detected in both tap and bottled water in major cities across the UK and China. Researchers from the University of ..



Expensive Farmed Salmon Threatens Affordable Fish Access Globally

A study published on October 16, 2024, in Science Advances, explores how the rising demand for farmed salmon is making it harder for coastal communities to access affordable fish. The research, led by Patricia Majluf from Cayetano Heredia University, focuses ..

