Page-44 of Economy & Banking Current Affairs

Maharashtra’s Climate-Resilient Agriculture Project Faces Funding Disparities and Sustainability Concerns

Since 2018, Maharashtra has initiated a pioneering project known as the Project on Climate Resilient Agriculture (pocra), aimed at helping farmers transition to climate change-resilient practices. This ambitious endeavor, implemented in 16 out of the state’s 36 districts, is touted ..



Active vs. Passive Funds: Insights into Mutual Fund Flows in Q2

During the July-September quarter (Q2), active equity funds took the spotlight, attracting significant attention from mutual fund investors. According to a study conducted by Motilal Oswal AMC, active equity funds experienced robust net inflows of approximately Rs 74,000 crore. Fund ..



Is India Importing GM Foods Unchecked?

Right to Information requests found India’s FSSAI lacks data on whether imported produce contains unauthorized GM varieties. It also has no recent test summaries, despite import growth. Only One Approved GM Food Crop India has approved just one GM food ..



Demand for Baler Machines

With the Supreme Court addressing the issue of farm fires, Punjab has seen a growing demand for a machine that can help manage stubble off-site, known as ex situ stubble management. Baler Machines: A Decade of Service ‘Baler’ machines have ..



Pusa-2090 Offers Hope to Punjab Farmers

In recent times, the issue of stubble burning in Punjab, India, has drawn significant attention due to its severe environmental impact. While farmers resort to burning crop residue to prepare fields for the next wheat crop, this practice contributes to ..



Reserve Bank of India Launches Surveys for Monetary Policy Insights

On November 1, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced the introduction of two significant surveys, the ‘Inflation Expectations Survey of Households’ and the ‘Consumer Confidence Survey,’ aimed at providing valuable inputs for its bi-monthly monetary policy decisions. The next ..



RBI Eases Closure Rules for District Central Co-operative Banks

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced a significant change in its regulations, allowing District Central Co-operative Banks (DCCBs) to close un-remunerative branches without seeking prior permission from the central bank. However, DCCBs will need approval from the Registrar ..



RBI Mandates Minimum Two Whole-Time Directors for Indian Banks

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has introduced a crucial requirement for Indian banks, stating that they must now have a minimum of two whole-time directors (WTDs) on their boards. This mandate extends to the Managing Director and Chief Executive ..

