Page-20 of Agriculture Current Affairs

National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)

The heat resistant or heat tolerant crops are those crops which can survive the rising temperature / drought due to climatic changes. The growing population is demanding more food, fibre, fuel and other renewable products from agriculture. But recent events ..


India, ADB inked $ 67.6-m loan agreement to aid agriculture

A loan agreement of $ 67.6-million has been signed b/w India and Asian Development Bank to support agriculture and foster investment for agri-business infrastructure in Bihar. The loan is the first part of a $ 170-million multi tranche financing facility ..



Satish Balram Agnihotri: New Add. Secretary and Financial Advisor to Dept. of Agriculture &Cooperation

  Satish Balram Agnihotri IAS batch1980 from Odisha cadre, appointed as Additional Secretary and Financial Advisor to Department of Agriculture &Cooperation He is currently serving as Director General, Shipping Mumbai, Ministry of Shipping



Agriculture Growth target 4% in 12th Five Year Plan

Planning Commission Member and Steering Committee Chairman Abhijit Sen has recently said that farm sector target growth rate shall be 4% in the 12th Five Year Plan. The same target was set for 11th plan and Sen has blamed poor ..



Indian Agriculture Research Institute,conducts walk-in interview for the post of Computer Operator/SRF (Oct5, 2011)

1. Post Name SRF Qualification: M. Tech. in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering No of Post: 01 2. Post Name: Computer Operator Qualification: B-Tech (Ag. Engg)/ B Sc (Ag)/ B Sc (Horticulture) with skills in computer operation No of Post: ..



Intensive Agriculture Area programme

Intensive Agriculture Area programme (IAAP) was launched in 1964-65. The core philosophy of the IAAP was that “much greater emphasis should be given to the development of scientific and progressive agriculture in an intensive manner in the areas which have ..


Intensive Agriculture Development program

Intensive Agriculture Development program (IADP) was the first major experiment of Indian government in the field of agriculture and it was also known as a “package programme” as it was based upon the package approach. The programme was launched in ..


Macro Management of Agriculture Scheme

Macro Management of Agriculture Scheme (MMA) The Macro Management of Agriculture Scheme (MMA) was formulated in 2000-01, by bringing together under one umbrella 27 centrally sponsored schemes relating to cooperatives, crop production programmes, watershed development programmes, horticulture, fertilizer, mechanization and ..
