Current Affairs : September 1, 2011
$ 230 Million given by the British Royal Air Force to Central Bank in Libya
- About $ 230 Million dollars worth Cash delivered by the British Royal Air Force to the Central Bank in Libya in Benghazi
- This newly-minted stock is part of bigger consignment which is being printed in Britain
- The delivery was however halted in the beginning of the crisis to due to a possible danger of money being controlled by Col. Gaddafi’s men
Elimination of Plan & Non-Plan distinction in Budget proposed by the Expert Committee
- Elimination of plan and non plan distinction in the Budget has been proposed by the Expert Committee set up by the Planning Commission
- As per Dr. C. Rangarajan: Shift in budeting approach is necessary to achieve the coveted targets
- As per Dr Rajan, the Chairman of Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council, this will further assure sound and well timed execution and monitoring of the centrally sponsored programmes
- The Committee asked for adopting a holistic view on expenditure and this will need changes in organisational structure besides appropriate interventions in HRD and IT
- The plan panel to hold consultations with various Central Ministries as well as the State Governments for taking their inputs to make certain that the coveted aim as advocated by the Committee are accomplished
- The novel approach recommended by the Committee to make certain improved deliverance of services principally in the fields of health, education and infrastructure development
- The Committee also advocated that PPP (Public-Private-Partnership) of a Ministry or Department should be treated as a Capital Expenditure
24-hours Public Grievance Redressel Cell in Kerala Chief Minister’s Office commences
- IT enabled 24×7 Public Grievance Redressel Cell in Kerala CM Oommen Chandy’s Office began functioning
- Objective: To make certain speed and transparency in administration in the Chief Minister Office
- People can lodge complaints from anywhere in the world, anytime all through the week
- The centre can be accessed on
‘1076’ toll free number for BSNL customers
- Other mobile service holders need to dial 1800425
- No Call to be left un-acknowledged
- A Token number to be issued for each complaint for future reference
- IT Experts working in 3-shifts to operate the Public Grievance Cell
- Kerala Chief Minister’s Office had earlier introduced the ’round-the-clock webcasting’ in order to make certain transparency in the system of working
Ramon Magsaysay Awards 2011
Entrepreneur based in Karnataka, was quote for his efforts to provide affordable solar power to more than one million poor. Harish Hande co-founded SELCO INDIA, a social venture, to eradicate poverty by promoting sustainable technologies in rural India. SELCO INDIA has installed solar lighting systems in over 1 lakh 20,000 households in the rural areas of Gujarat and Karnataka
Maharashtra born, established a centre that provides small loans to farmers, plus self-help projects for small villages. At the ceremony, she stressed on the need for self-sufficiency and social reform.
Based in the central Philippine province of Negros Occidental, was also cited for its work in combating rural poverty.
Hasanain Juaini
Established an Islamic boarding school for girls
Founder of a group that advocates for free and fair elections in his country’s nascent democracy
Entrepreneur, who has built community-run hydropower plants in rural communities
‘Sports Bill’ to be re-drafted by the Government
- The Sports Ministry to make a modified draft of the National Sports Development Bill without compromising on the transparency and accountability clauses
- Sports Minister Ajay Maken reiterated his commitment to bring the Indian Cricket Board under the scope of RTI
- The Minister elucidated that the bill does not aims to control or pry into the working of several sports federations
- As per Mr. Maken, the objective to improve the arrangement of management of the sports organisations by introducing transparency and accountability and thus check any more scams like those during the latest Common Wealth Games in Delhi
- The Sports Bill was discussed by the Union Cabinet and was referred back to the Sports Ministry after quite a few ministers elicited dissent to many of the clauses, including cap on age and tenure restrictions
‘Solung’ festival celebrated across Arunachal Pradesh
- ‘Solung’ festival celebrated with gayety and conventional excitement all through the Arunanchal Pradesh
- SOLUING is a socio-cultural festival of the the Adi community
- The main festival was celebrated at Solung-Mopin ground in capital Itanagar
- On the day community people pray their divinity to conciliate them for socio economic, peace and opulence of the community
- The festival is celebrated in first week of September every year
Justice Soumitra Sen resigns
Justice Soumitra Sen resigned as Judge of the Calcutta High Court
- Justice Sen sent his res
- ignation to the President Pratibha Patil and the Lok Sabha Speaker, Meira KumarThe Lok Sabha was scheduled to take up his impeachment proceedings against the Judge
- The Rajya Sabha had already voted in favour of impeaching him
- Justice Sen has been found guilty of misappropriating funds as a judge and of misrepresenting facts
- A special committee established by Rajya Sabha chairman Hamid Ansari had found charges of financial unregularity against Justice Sen to be right
- Mr. Sen charged of defalcate nearly Rs 24 Lakh in the 1980s when he was a lawyer and was nominated recipient by the Calcutta High Court
Accelerate execution of SABLA, IGMSY schemes: Centre asks Uttrakhand
- Government asked the Uttrakhand Chief Minister to accelerate the execution of the SABLA and IGMSY (Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana) schemes in the State
- Government has expressed worry over the sluggish speed of execution of these schemes in the State
- SABLA scheme aims at empowerment of adolescent girls
- IGMSY aims at improvement in the health and nutrition status of pregnant, lactating women and infants by promoting suitable practices during pregnancy, safe delivery and lactation
- Several lacunae in the progress of both the schemes have been observed
Month: Current Affairs - September, 2011
Category: Government Schemes Current Affairs
Amit Kumar
October 12, 2011 at 4:02 pmplease provide me bank exam material so that i can prepare for the exam on my mail id
October 20, 2011 at 10:13 amthis is ajay n m preoairing for bank exam please provide me some gk materials n also for reasoning .
November 18, 2011 at 6:48 pmdear sir,
i m preparing for bank exam. so if u’ll send me daily gk on my e-mail and my cell thn i’ll greatfull to u..
December 6, 2011 at 10:56 pmi am an upsc aspirant… it would be very usefull for all aspirantts if you kindly update the current affairs accordingly…