Current Affairs: May 1, 2020

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1 Comment

  1. Dr. Irfan Khan

    May 7, 2020 at 8:57 pm

    Hello, This is Dr. Irfan Khan, and for weeks, learning a lot with your you-tube videos about current affairs. I think you have very fine communication skills that actually help to disseminate and covers all the information clearly. But, today when I was going through your Daily current affairs quiz of May-1-2020, you discussed the current report of USCIRF that listed India under CPC for assaulting their minority community. While explaining, you said America too did antiminority activities So they do not have the right to do so with India, like that. Dear Sir, I think you are superb in your field. Don’t you observe what is going on with minorities for the last few years? It’s actually not America that listed India under the CPC category but our own people who don’t follow what our P.M. suggested and even requested them. I have listened many times that our P.M. requested people not to harm anybody on the grounds of religion. But They never listened to him. Resultingly, USCIRF put India in CPC category which is, of course, a matter of great shame for us and somehow affects India to establish healthy relations with the middle east and all. Ultimately, this is we who have to spread the fumes of love from the bottle of humanity to increase harmony among all Indian brothers and sisters and endorse America to put out India from the CPC list in coming future.
    Hope you understand my point.

    Thank you again for such a nice & fruitful discussion of daily current affairs.
    With warm regards
    Sincerely yours


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