Current Affairs Quiz: December 29-30, 2019
December 30, 2019 May 21, 2021
1. China had recently launched its heaviest satellite, Shijian-20, on which rocket?
[A] Long March 2E
[B] Long March 4C
[C] Long March 3B
[D] Long March 5
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Correct Answer: D [Long March 5]
China had recently launched the heaviest and the most advanced communication satellite, Shijian-20, on the country’s largest carrier rocket Long March 5. This powerful rocket can carry a maximum payload of 25 tonnes into the low Earth Orbit and 14 tonnes into the geosynchronous orbit.
2. Which archipelago did Tropical Cyclone Sarai recently hit?
[A] Indonesia
[B] Solomon Islands
[C] Fiji
[D] New Guinea
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Correct Answer: C [Fiji]
The tropical cyclone Sarai had recently hit Fiji, a country in the South Pacific. It is an archipelago consisting of more than 300 islands. On its present track, the cyclone is forecasted to pass adjacent to Fiji’s main island Viti Levu and then may head towards Tonga, where the tropical cyclone warning centre has been alerted.
3. Who had drafted the recent UNGA-approved draft for international treaty to combat cyber-crime?
[B] Russia
[C] France
[D] China
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Correct Answer: B [Russia]
The United Nations General Assembly had recently approved a resolution that allows the initiation of the process of drafting a new treaty to combat cyber-crime. This resolution was drafted by Russia and it allows the establishment of expert committee representing all the regions in the world. It will provide for a comprehensive international convention on countering the use of information and communication technologies for the criminal purposes.
4. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank had recently announced a loan for irrigation and solar energy projects in India. It is headquartered in which of the following countries?
[A] South Korea
[B] Singapore
[C] Japan
[D] China
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Correct Answer: D [China]
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is a multilateral developmental bank, whose headquarters is located in Beijing, China. It had recently approved a total loan of 210 million USD for solar energy and irrigation projects in India. Of the 100 members, India is its second largest shareholder and the largest recipient of loan and equity commitments.
5. Which state/UT had recently approved the Electric Vehicle Policy, 2019?
[A] Delhi
[B] Punjab
[C] Puducherry
[D] Sikkim
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Correct Answer: A [Delhi]
The Delhi Cabinet had recently approved Electric Vehicle Policy, 2019 to counter the air pollution in the national capital. As per the policy, the government seeks to make 25% of all new vehicles into electric vehicles by 2024. Through this policy, the government will provide for public charging infrastructure and subsidies for those who are buy EVs.

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year.
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December 31, 2019 at 10:50 amQ 8:- West Bengal is the only state standing as genuine in the issue of ODF..
Dont know how Union Govt decleared 35 States and UT became 100% ODF..
Citizens of India Knows the actual status in the regard of ODF in their respective states.
But fact is we need to answer as West Bengal in exams if this Q asked.