Current Affairs Mega Quiz February 2010 (First)

1.Recently we read in the newspapers that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was on a tour of Cyprus to inject new momentum into waning peace talks to reunify the divided the island country which is under two powers divided by a UN maintained buffer zone. Which are the two powers ?
(A)Greece & Syria
(B)Turkey & Syria
(C)Greece & Turkey
(D)Greece & Lebanon
(E)Turkey & Lebanon

2.Who among the following became the first woman to win six awards in the same night in the Grammy Awards ?
(C)Lady Gaga
(E)None of them

3.Which among the following is world’s largest humanitarian organization?
(A)Red Cross
(B)World Food Programme
(C)World Health Organization
(D)United Nations Human Settlements Programme
(E)None of them

4.Recently UK’s first Sikh and Asian judge, was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II receiving the highest civilian honor for his services to the administration of justice and community relations. What is his name?
(A)Tom Singh
(B)Mota Singh
(C)Simon Singh
(D)Harpal Singh
(E)Hardeep Singh Kohli

5.The president of which of the following nations recently haunted by recession and declining popularity, announced a major devaluation of its currency ” Bolivar” to shore up government finances and stimulate economic growth before key elections to be held in 2010?
(C)Trinidad & Tobago

6.Which of the following company has recently bought Code 10, the Hair style brand of Colgate Palmolive Ltd to foray into the Malaysian market ?
(B)Hindustan Unilever
(E)None of them

7.On February 3, 2010, a L’Homme Qui Marche I which means The Walking Man I a bronze sculpture was sold in London for £65,001,250 creating a new world record auction price and has become one of the most expensive works of art ever sold at auction. Who was sculptor of this work?
(A)Adolfo Wildt
(B)Rock Mills
(C)Alberto Giacometti
(D)Julio González
(E)Marino Marini

8.How many new venues have been added for the third season of IPL is scheduled to be held in India from 12 March 2010 ?

9.Which of the following company recently acquired 70% stake in Warid telecom of Bangladesh to foray in the Bangladesh Market?
(A)Bharti Airtel
(B)Vodafone Essar
(C)Reliance Communications
(D)Tata DoCoMo
(E)Spice Digital

10.Which among the following is not correctly matched?
(A)Mohinder Singh Bhullar – Brunei Darusslam
(B)Yanktesh Piramal Reddy – Fiji
(C)Ryuko Hira – Japan
(D)Deepak Mittal – Thailand
(E)Mani Lal Bhaumik – Canada

11.In which month of 2009, North Korean won was revalued again for the first time in 50 years?

12.Recently South North Water Diversion Project (SNWD) was in news which was related to diverting the water of rivers from south China to North China where there is a low annual rainfall. This project has now been delayed for 5 years. The main thrust of this project was to move the direction of the water of which of the following rivers of China ?
(A)Yellow River
(B)Yangtze River
(C)Hai River,
(D)Fen River
(E)Zhang River

13.Which among the following is the ruling party of North Korea which is widely viewed by the world as Stalinist?
(A)Chongu Party
(B)Korean Workers’ Party
(C)Korean Social Democratic Party
(D)Korean Democratic Front
(E)None of them

14.Recently at which of the following places a summit of G 7 countries was held where it was decided to write off the debts that Haiti owes them, following a devastating earthquake in January 2010?
(A)Nancy, France
(B)Iqaluit, Canada
(C)Charlton Island, Canada
(D)Nagano, Japan
(E)None of them

15.Laura Chinchilla is the President-elect of which of the following countries where parliamentary and presidential elections were held on February 7, 2010 & she has now going to be first woman president of this country?
(C)Costa Rica

16.Who among the following has recently been appointed as the new interlocutor for Naga talks and carry forward the peace process with insurgent group National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Isak-Muivah)? (11.2.2010)
(A)R S Pandey
(B)Abid Hussain
(C)K. Raghunath
(D)Ashok Chawla
(E)None of them

17.As of February 11,2010, India has signed Civil Nuclear Pact with how many countries?

18.Recently Agni III was tested successfully for the fourth time from Wheelers Island in Orissa on February 7, 2010. Which among the following describes Agni III?
(A)Short Range Ballistic Missile
(B)Medium Range Ballistic Missile
(C)Intermediate-range Ballistic Missile
(D)Intercontinental Range Ballistic Missile
(E)surface-to-surface, short-range ballistic missile

19.Which of the following countries in Europe has decided to introduce a law to ban the practice of wearing burqa in public places ?

20.Who among the following is the current (February 12, 2010) chief of the National Investigation Agency (NIA)?
(A)Shivshankar Menon
(B)RV Raju
(C)Sharad Chandra Sinha
(D)Rajendra Yadav
(E)None of them

21.Which among the following states does not come under Red Corridor?

22.Which of the states in India was given a central Govt nod for a Special Courts Act, which the state government has decided to form special courts for hearing corruption cases against government officials & set up anticorruption authority?
(E)Andhra Pradesh

23.In which of the following country are the largest users of internet?
(A)United States

24.In January 2010, which of the following two countries were in news for lifting “discriminatory” travel limits that previously prevented people living with HIV from entering both nations? (Currently more than 60 countries have these restrictions and UNAIDS opposes this )
(A)US & China
(B)US & South Korea
(C)US & Canada
(D)Mexico & Brazil
(E)US & North Korea

25.With which of the following the NATGRID is related to which was recently in News?
(A)Internet Penetration
(B)Commercial Transactions
(C)Power transmission
(D)Internal Security & Intelligence

26.Which among the following Indian-American authors has been appointed as a member of US President Barack Obama’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities? (6.2.2010)
(A)Jhumpa Lahiri
(B)Sarmila Bose
(C)Deepak Chopra
(D)Kiran Desai
(E)Shoba Narayan

27.In which of the following countries, recently a noted Muslim Cleric issued a “Fatwa” against using social networking sites such as Facebook? (5.2.2010)
(D)Saudi Arabia

28.How many navies are taking part in the Milan Exercise of Indian Navy in the Indian Ocean ?

(Note: Indian Navy + 12 Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, the Phillipines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam are taking part)
29.How many foreign instruments were hosted in India’s Maiden Mission to Moon Chandrayan -I ?

30.Who was the author of an all time best seller “Love story” who recently died on January 17, 2010?
(A)Rupert Hamer
(B)Arthur Weiss
(C)Erich Segal
(D)Edward Abbey
(E)Jay Anson

31.Which of the following team was runner up in ICC Under 19, Cricket World Cup 2010?
(E)West Indies

32.Recently which of the following territories has been in India’s concern as the security agencies of India report of Laskhkar setting up a base there?
(C)Mafia Island
(E)Montebello Islands

33.Which among the following country has become the largest auto market of the world recently?
(C)United States

34.Who among the following is the youngest player within the top 100 of the ATP rankings as of January 2010?
(A)Ken Rosewall
(B)Marin Čilić
(C)Jan Kode
(D)Björn Borg
(E)Guillermo Vilas

35.The citizen of which of the following country won the Mumbai Marathon’s latest event?
(B)South Africa

(We propose to publish 3 Mega Quizzes every Month Based Upon Current Affairs comprising 35 questions each from now onwards)



  1. Anonymous

    February 12, 2010 at 3:49 am

    good work!!!appreciable job

  2. Anonymous

    February 12, 2010 at 5:42 am

    nice veri nice

  3. Anonymous

    February 12, 2010 at 7:29 am

    105 question each month. excellent job..

  4. Anonymous

    February 12, 2010 at 7:36 am

    Hi admin,

    plz provide link for january mega quiz.


    February 12, 2010 at 12:30 pm

    Good work. God bless you for your helping tendency for others. Nothing is matchable with site. I really mean it.

    Good luck.

  6. yashdeep khare

    February 12, 2010 at 2:39 pm

    beautiful effort
    thankx for all ur support

  7. Anonymous

    February 12, 2010 at 8:18 pm

    Plz provide link for Jan 2010 mega quiz

  8. anoop cherpulasseri

    February 12, 2010 at 8:52 pm

    question no 32 ,its given as maldives is a nationa terittory of india,is it true?


    February 12, 2010 at 10:16 pm

    sir i have appeared for bank po exam thrice….
    most Questions were on RBI and bank related terms and financial affairs out of 50 15-20 questions were on current news and rest of it was on financial affairs
    i want some tips on gk for bank PO
    [email protected]

  10. Anonymous

    February 13, 2010 at 3:02 am

    thanks admin

    [email protected]

  11. Ravi.K.Varma

    February 13, 2010 at 3:27 am

    sir, NATGRID is power transmission sir..please do correct it if am wrong.

  12. Ravi.K.Varma

    February 13, 2010 at 3:31 am

    Question 28

    The answer is 13 naives. The following is my source

    thank u sir and as usual the work is awesome

  13. DIVYA

    February 17, 2010 at 5:21 am


    NATGRID relates to intelligence and security only..
    recently it came up as anews in hindu last week.. also refer gkTODAY'S updates on current affairs 6th february

  14. Rajiv sharma

    March 4, 2010 at 3:28 am

    a good job

  15. sasi

    May 9, 2010 at 8:15 am

    contnue ur good work sir

  16. sudheer

    May 22, 2010 at 3:22 am

    great job mann..

  17. Anonymous

    May 24, 2010 at 5:13 am

    NATGRID- National Intelligence Grid to be established by May 2011. The grid will provide real time access into 21 categories of databases such as credit card transaction, driving license, telephone, internet, passport, PAN details, bank A/c details etc.
    Sumit Sonkar

  18. Anonymous

    May 24, 2010 at 7:05 am

    it's a fabulous work

  19. Anonymous

    May 25, 2010 at 8:17 am

    very nice..easy way 2 keep urslf updated wid latest events….

  20. harish

    May 27, 2010 at 9:55 am

    wounder full and very use full for every one..

  21. harish

    May 27, 2010 at 10:02 am

    wounder full and very use full for every one..

  22. Anonymous

    May 28, 2010 at 8:57 am

    fruitful website….thanks

  23. Anonymous

    June 4, 2010 at 6:33 am

    excellent job guys

  24. Anonymous

    June 5, 2010 at 10:53 am

    very help full…..

  25. Anonymous

    June 9, 2010 at 5:27 pm

    waw ur g8………….

  26. Anonymous

    June 12, 2010 at 9:21 am

    excellent job….

  27. Anonymous

    July 25, 2010 at 9:48 am

    very!good for knowlegde

  28. Anonymous

    August 26, 2010 at 6:19 am

    it is one of the most best online quiz

  29. Anonymous

    August 27, 2010 at 1:13 am

    great work. very helpful

  30. Anonymous

    September 10, 2010 at 9:42 pm

    Hi guys, you have a very short life, always be happy and do not forget your creator and always trust Jesus to have eternal life.

  31. Anonymous

    September 13, 2010 at 7:05 am

    very useful with pop-up answers
    thank you

  32. Indu

    September 16, 2010 at 11:45 pm

    Its a very good link for GK questions….and will be helpful while apperaing in PSUs. Great!!

  33. Saras

    October 20, 2010 at 9:41 pm

    sir i want some tips about how to prepare bank po gk questions and descriptive paper.plz email to this mail id [email protected]

  34. Anonymous

    November 9, 2010 at 4:26 am

    quiz was wonderful..information provided with de anwers were excellent…good job..!!

  35. Anonymous

    November 11, 2010 at 5:03 am

    Really a Nice one

  36. Anonymous

    November 25, 2010 at 10:58 pm

    mindblowing,superb, very good,excellent.

  37. Anonymous

    December 31, 2010 at 8:59 am


  38. Anonymous

    January 1, 2011 at 11:18 pm

    please keep on doing good work

  39. read alwys when reach in office , start my day by new information,

    May 12, 2011 at 11:44 am

    start my day to read it,
    thanks a lot


    February 27, 2013 at 11:34 pm

    very good


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