Current Affairs : June 25, 2011

‘Food Price Volatility and Agriculture’: Action Plan on Agriculture, G-20 prepared with it

  • Agriculture Ministers of G-20 Nations in Paris decided to launch 3 initiatives from September 2011
  • To boost global farm production and exchange information regularly on key crops
  • Action Plan includes suggestions to deal with instability in food prices and improve farm production globally to meet the growing demand
  • The action plan titled Food Price Volatility and Agricultureto be submitted for consideration of G-20 leaders in November 2011 

India to proceed with the Plan to amplify its N-Energy

  • At the yearly summit of the USIBC (US India Business Council), India made it certain to corporate America that it has no plans to halt its nuclear energy projects in view of the recent damage to a nuclear power plant in Japan
  • Mr. Anand Sharma: Commerce and Industry Minister of India
  • Mr. Sharma added that: nuclear energy in India is going to expand

Google under inquiry for exploitation of Results to block Competitors and endorse its own services

  • Google is under inquiry by US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a US regulatory body over manipulation of results to block competitors and encourage its own services
  • Via its dominant search engine, Google manages 2/3rd of all web searches in the US
  • Investigation on whether Google is misusing its market dominance
  • Competitors complained that instead of showing users the best results, Google endorses its own services like Travel and map websites, at their cost

CAG: Transparency is the need of the hour

  • CAG (Comptroller and Auditor General of India): Vinod Rai
  • As per CAG Transparency is demand of the hour for a corruption-free social order and good governance
  • As per him, in the era of globalization, common citizens have come at the centre stage
  • Mr. Rai necessitated that the younger generation to bear the liability of deviating the ‘mainstream’ in a right direction and to edify the people about their duties and rights

Bill Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage approved by New York

  • New York’s Senate approved bill legalizing Same Sex Marriage thus nearly ascertaining concluding course of the law
  • The state’s lower house previously approved a similar measure and New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo assured his consent to the bill when it arrives at his desk
  • Thus, New York to become the 6th, and the most populous state in the US to approve same-sex marriage

West Bengal Government strikes down Rajarhat Township land

  • West Bengal Government to annul the acquisition of the 1,587 acres of land at Rajarhat Township near Kolkatta
  • Notifications published by the preceding Left Front Government for acquiring the land to be recalled

Government to set up Twenty Tourism Parks to draw additional international tourists

  • Government to set up Twenty tourism parks in the country on the pattern of Sentosa theme park in Singapore
  • To attract additional international tourists
  • Each Tourism park will have a hotel, convention centre, food, street and entertainment and amusement facilities
  • To be developed with an expenditure of total Rs 1,000 Crore rupees
  • Every park to be established in area of about 50 acres of land and will be equipped with sufficient amenities such as haats, craft centres and amphitheatres for hosting cultural events
  • Tourism Ministry also in the course of distinguishing 36 new tourist destinations nationwide



  1. nilofar

    June 29, 2011 at 12:24 pm

    i found GKT very helpful during my preparation for prelims 2011, you are doing very good work for students ,i am really thankful to you

  2. sunil kumar

    August 19, 2011 at 12:00 am

    very very very very very…….helpful


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