Current Affairs: July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020 May 21, 2021
1. ‘Form 26AS’, that was seen in news recently, is a document related to which organisation?
[A] NITI Aayog
[B] Central Board of Direct Taxes
[C] Department of Financial Services
[D] Securities Exchange Board of India
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Correct Answer: B [Central Board of Direct Taxes]
Form 26AS is an annual statement, that contains information on various taxes deducted on the tax-filer’s income by deductors.
Recently, the Income Tax Department of CBDT has introduced a new ‘Form 26AS’ with an aim to assist Tax payers in filing Income Tax Return quicker. The new form will calculate the correct tax liability and is expected to bring in transparency in tax administration.
2. Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering and Technology (CIPET) is an institution under which Union Ministry?
[A] Ministry of MSME
[B] Ministry of Science and Technology
[C] Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers
[D] Ministry of Commerce and Industry
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Correct Answer: C [Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers]
Central Institute of Petrochemicals engineering and Technology, CIPET is a premium academic institution under the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers.
Recently, CIPET has been accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) for Testing and Certification of PPE kit including Gloves, Coverall, Goggles and Medical masks. The Centre of CIPET at Bhubaneswar has been granted accreditation.
3. Which Union Ministry has established an ‘Investment Clearance Cell’, for easier clearance of proposals?
[A] Ministry of Defence
[B] Ministry of Civil Aviation
[C] Ministry of Commerce and Industry
[D] Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
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Correct Answer: B [Ministry of Civil Aviation]
Union Ministry of Civil Aviation has recently established an Investment Clearance Cell (ICC), aimed at providing assistance and clearance of proposals.
The ICC will comprise of ten members and it will be headed by a Joint Secretary in the Ministry. The cell will be a single-window system for attracting investments and it will work closely with states to rope in investors.
4. Which country chaired the 3rd G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) meeting?
[A] Japan
[B] Saudi Arabia
[C] Qatar
[D] United States
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Correct Answer: B [Saudi Arabia]
Saudi Arabia holds the Presidency of G-20 of the year 2020. It has chaired the 3rd G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) meeting recently.
Union Finance Minister of India, Nirmala Sitharaman participated in the meeting through Video Conferencing. The global economic outlook during COVID-19 pandemic crisis and G20’s Finance Track priorities for the year 2020 was discussed.
5. John Lewis, who passed away recently, was associated with the civil rights movement of which country?
[A] United States
[B] United Kingdom
[C] France
[D] Germany
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Correct Answer: A [United States]
John Lewis, who was a pioneer of the civil rights movement of the United States, recently passed away at the age of 80.
He entered the United States House of Representatives in the year 1986 from Atlanta and he was a long-time member of the Congress. He was praised as the “Conscience of the Congress” for his sincere and conscious traits.

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