Current Affairs February 12, 2010

Events & Happenings:
Defexpo India 2010
Defexpo India 2010 is the the sixth edition in the series of biennial Land and Naval Defence Systems Exhibition held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from Feb 15 to 18, 2010.

National Updates:
Task Force on Project Elephant
On February 12, 2010, Ministry of Environment and Forests has set up a task force on Project Elephant to give detailed recommendations to upgrade it for a more effective conservation and management of wild as well as captive elephants. Read Here

Update on Polavaram Project
Polavaram Project is located in East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh.
Read Here

The Constitution (One Hundred and Eleventh Amendment) Bill, 2009
The Constitution (One Hundred and Eleventh Amendment) Bill, 2009 was introduced in Lok Sabha on 30 November, 2009. Read Here

Proposed National Seed Bank
Government of India is planning to establish a National Seed Bank. This seed bank will help farmers in the event of any crisis of shortage of seeds to cultivate. Read Here

Cabinet decided upon 13th Finance Commission Recommendations:
The Thirteenth Finance Commission was constituted by the President on 13th November, 2007 to give recommendations on specified aspects of Centre State fiscal relations during 2010 -2015.
The Commission had submitted its report covering all aspects of its mandate on 30th December, 2009. The Cabinet has considered the recommendations of the Commission covering the five years period commencing from April, 2010.

Now, in the budget session recommendations of the Commission will be laid on the Table of each House of Parliament.

How Finance Commissions are constituted?
The Finance Commissions are constituted by the President after every five years or earlier under Article 280 of the Constitution to give recommendations on specified aspects of Centre-State fiscal relations. The recommendations of these Commissions are based on detailed assessment of the financial position of the Central and State Governments and wide consultations with stakeholders.

Terms of Reference of B.N.Srikrishna Committee
Following are the terms of reference of B.N.Srikrishna Committee. Committee is requested to submit its report by December 31, 2010.

  1. To examine the situation in the State of Andhra Pradesh with reference to the demand for a separate State of Telangana as well as the demand for maintaining the present status of a united Andhra Pradesh.
  2. To review the developments in the State since its formation and their impact on the progress and development of the different regions of the State.
  3. To examine the impact of the recent developments in the State on the different sections of the people such as women, children, students, minorities, other backward classes, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
  4. To identify the key issues that must be addressed while considering the matters mentioned in items (1), (2) and (3) above.
  5. To consult all sections of the people, especially the political parties, on the aforesaid matters and elicit their views; to seek from the political parties and other organisations a range of solutions that would resolve the present difficult situation and promote the welfare of all sections of the people; to identify the optimal solutions for this purpose; and to recommend a plan of action and a road map.
  6. To consult other organisations of civil society such as industry, trade, trade unions, farmers’ organisations, women’s organisations and students’ organisations on the aforesaid matters and elicit their views with specific reference to the all round development of the different regions of the State.
  7. To make any other suggestion or recommendation that the Committee may deem appropriate. (From PIB)

Second Advance Estimates of Crop Production
On February 12, 2010 second advance Estimates of production of major crops grown in the country were released.

The production of major crops during 2009-10 is as follows:

Total Foodgrains – 216.85 million tonnes (against 234.47 million tonnes in 2008-09, so please note that there is 7.51% decline)

  • Rice – 87.56 million tonnes
  • Wheat – 80.28 million tonnes
  • Coarse Cereals – 34.27 million tonnes
  • Maize – 17.30 million tonnes

Pulses – 14.74 million tonnes (pulses output is estimated to be slightly better at 14.74 million tonnes in the current year as against 14.57 million tonnes in 2008-09 season)

  • Tur – 2.50 million tonnes
  • Urad – 1.13 million tonnes
  • Moong – 0.67 million tonnes

Sugarcane – 251.26 million tonnes (as against 285.02 million tonnes in the 2008-09. )
Total Oilseeds – 26.32 million tonnes (as against 27.71 million tonnes in the 2008-09) Soyabean – 10.22 million tonne
Groundnut – 5.53 million tonnes
Cotton – 22.32 million bales of 170 kg each.
3rd Advance Estimates to be released in April, 2010 when more firmed up data from the States would be available.

India World:
Indian Cultural Centre (ICC) – Malaysia

ICCR president Karan Singh and Malaysia’s Human Resource Minister S. Subramaniam inauguarte a full-fledged Indian Cultural Centre (ICC), complete with a dance studio, music and yoga rooms, in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).

New Air Services Agreement (ASA) between India and Nepal
Keeping in view the recent developments in the civil aviation sector, and with a view to modernize and update the existing ASA based on the ICAO template, Government of India approves a new Air Services Agreement (ASA) between India and Nepal.

The agreement on new text was initiated in September 2009.

After this agreement , both the countries shall be entitled to designate any number of airlines for operation of mutually agreed services for which the respective country shall grant appropriate authorization and permission.

New ICC Representatives:
Gary Kirsten will be representative of national coaches as he is named by International Cricket Council’s Cricket Committee, replacing Mickey Aurthur.
The Board has reappointed Ian Bishop and Mark Taylor to the ICC Cricket Committee as media representatives and also ratified the reappointment of Kumar Sangakkara and Tim May as current player representatives.

International Boxing Association (AIBA) rankings – Vijender Singh on top
Vijender Singh who defeated Carlos Góngora of Ecuador 9–4 in the quarterfinals of 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics and won a bronze medal — the first ever Olympic medal for an Indian boxer is on to the top spot in the middlewight category in the latest International Boxing Association (AIBA) rankings. He has 2513 points after he clinched a silver medal at the Champion of Champions tournament in China in february 2010.

Other Indian Champions in the rankings are :
Thokchom Nanao Singh
Suranjoy Singh
Jitender Kumar
Akhil Kumar
Jai Bhagwan
Dinesh Kumar

the rankings are available on this page:
Cricket in Olympics:
International Olympic Council (IOC) has granted recognition to International Cricket Council. Now Cricket can take part in IOC events. This is the first step towards making cricket an Olympic sports. Most likely the ICC will bid for 2020 Olympics for 20-20 version.
ICC chief executive – Haroon Lorgat



  1. Rajender

    February 22, 2010 at 5:58 am

    hi everyone and admin….
    can u plz give me the list of all summitts, meeting etc..through out the world…and where they are held and which countries participated and purpose of the summitt…etc……..
    to my maild…
    plz plz plz…..
    i'm unable to recollect even after reading many times…..
    [email protected]

  2. DIVYA

    February 23, 2010 at 8:03 am

    pls post that info asked by RAJ for the benefit of all sir..


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