Current Affairs – August 31, 2020 [Evening Headlines]

Here are the Current Affairs Evening Headlines of August 31, 2020 by GKToday:

Global disruption of health services amid pandemic

Of the 105 countries surveyed by the World Health Organisation, 90% were found to have experienced disruption of its health services between March and June 2020. The worst affected were low- and middle-income countries.

India officially enters recession

The GDP data released by the National Statistical Office (NSO) showed a collapse of 23.9% of GDP in the second quarter, caused by the pandemic-led economic crsis. According to NSO, GDP contraction in April-June period of FY21 is the largest slump on record since 1996, when India started reporting quarterly data.

New species of freshwater fish discovered in Ganga in West Bengal

Systomus gracilus was found by researchers from Kerala and West Bengal from Ganga in West Bengal. This edible fish has a reddish-white, thin and compressed body. It can be cultured in inland waterbodies.

RBI announces additional liquidity measures

To allay the fear of the rising yields and higher borrowing program, the apex bank increased the held to maturity limit (HTM) or the amount the banks can invest in government securities. It also announced additional open market operations and term repo operations to infuse liquidity into the market.

Indian Railways develops ‘MEDBOT’ for COVID-19 patients

MEDBOT is a remote-controlled medical trolley developed to deliver food and medicine for those suffering from coronavirus. It is providing services in the Indian Railways’ Central Hospital of the Diesel Rail Engine Factory.

Pandemic to cause unprecedented hunger crisis

Approximately 132 million more people than previously projected are estimated to go hungry in 2020, worst recorded in this century. The cause is the pandemic-led supply chain disruption, economic crisis and falling consumer purchasing power.

Ambassador Mustapha Adib designated as Lebanon’s new Prime Minister

Lebanese President Michel Aoun designated Mr Adib after the latter secured the support of a majority of MPs. Mr. Adib, Lebanon’s ambassador to Germany, is currently serving as a member in the Lebanese parliament. The previous government quit following the disastrous explosion at Beirut port.



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