Current Affairs August 2010: Quiz 7 for All Examinations

1.In the current international economic environment, we assume that an exporter is NOT converting his Dollar receivables into Rupees. In this context, please consider the following statements:

  1. The Exporter thinks that the current exchange rates are too low and the exchange risk may be very high if he goes for the conversion.
  2. The Exporter thinks that the current exchange rates are too high and the exchange risk may be very high if he goes for the conversion.
  3. The exporter thinks that not converting the Dollar Receivables would help him in near future as the Rupee may become Costlier.
  4. The Exporter thinks that not converting the Dollar Receivable would help him in near future as the Rupee may become cheaper

Which among the above statements fit into the near future plan of this exporter?
(A)1 & 2
(B)2 & 3
(C)2 & 4
(D)1 & 4

2.Consider the following statements:
1. All wildlife refuges are a byproduct of widespread Forest Fires
2. The wildlife refuges have become a problem now a days
Which among the above statements is / are correct?
(A)1 only
(B)2 only
(C)both are correct
(D)both are incorrect

3.Consider the following statements:
1. Bilateral Trade between India and Chile increased substantially after 2005-06
2. India and Chile have a Preferential Trade Agreement
Which among the above statements is / are correct?
(A)1 only
(B)2 only
(C)Both 1 & 2
(D)None of them

4.Consider the following:
1. National Innovation Council
2. National Advisory Council
3. National Development Council
Which among the above are chaired by Prime Minister of India?
(A)1 & 3 only
(B)1 & 2 only
(C)3 only
(D)1 only

5.The PL 480 which in expanded form is Public Law 480 is an act of United States and has a great international importance because it is associated to ……………… ?
(A)Information Technology
(B)Human Resources
(D)Space Technology

6.India’s National Commission on farmers had recommended in its National Policy for Farmers that Mohan Dharia Committee (1995) recommendations must be implemented. Which among the following was the focus of Mohan Dharia Committee?
(B)High Yielding Variety Seeds
(C)Wasteland Development
(D)Biotechnological Application in Agriculture

7.Consider the following statement in context with the recent US Border Security Bill:
1. An amount of $ 600 million is to be raised by hiking the Visa Fees
2. This Amount will be wholly spend on security of US-Mexico and US-Canada Border
Which among the above statements is / are correct?
(A)1 only is correct
(B)2 only is correct
(C)Both are Correct
(D)Both are Incorrect

8.Who among the following was appointed in July 2010 as the Co-Chairman of ‘National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship’, a group set up to support US President’s innovation strategy?
(A)Gururaj Deshpande
(B)Raj Goyle
(C)Kashmir Gill
(D)Raja Krishnamoorthi

9.What is the ad‐hoc uniform exfactory price fixed under the Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme throughout the country for ethanol procured by Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs)?
(A)Rs. 22 per litre
(B)Rs. 25 per litre
(C)Rs. 27 per litre
(D)Rs. 29 per litre

10.Joanne “Jo” Murray, is the actual name of which of the following writers?
(A)J. K. Rowling
(B)Jaq D. Hawkins
(C)James Tiptree, Jr.
(D)George Paston

11.What is India’s rank in the latest released World Investment Report-2010 by UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)?

12.Which among the following states has become the First State to Launch Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojna?
(D)Madhya Pradesh

13.How much amount per village will be spent in Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojna ?
(A)Rs. 10 Lakh
(B)Rs. 50 Lakh
(C)Rs. 100 Lakh
(D)Rs. 200 Lakh

14.On Which date Vande Mataram was adopted as India’s National Song?
(A)January 23, 1950
(B)January 24, 1950
(C)January 25, 1950
(D)January 26, 1950

15.In which region Bihar’s Sorrow originates?
(C)Mainland China



  1. Anonymous

    August 19, 2010 at 12:40 am

    thanks for these questions. . . . …welldone

  2. Anonymous

    August 20, 2010 at 12:06 am

    nice questions…

  3. Anonymous

    August 20, 2010 at 11:06 am

    thanks for this valuable material..

  4. nick..

    August 20, 2010 at 11:23 pm

    awesome awareness….

  5. gknim

    August 21, 2010 at 5:38 am

    thanks for ur valuable efforts

  6. ggdrfg

    August 23, 2010 at 7:05 pm

    tanx for ur efforts

  7. Anonymous

    August 27, 2010 at 9:35 am

    it's very important for competition exams

  8. Anonymous

    September 10, 2010 at 1:44 am

    can u suggest from where to get tourism industry information

  9. Anonymous

    October 2, 2010 at 7:50 am

    its the most impressive site which i have ever seen..thanx alot keep it up………

  10. Anonymous

    November 3, 2010 at 6:56 am

    Very usefull Qu.


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