Current Affairs: August 09-10, 2020
August 10, 2020 May 21, 2021
1. The 75th anniversary of which event was observed on August 6, 2020 across the world?
[A] First Atomic Bomb attack
[B] First World War
[C] Second World War
[D] First Landing on Moon
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Correct Answer: A [First Atomic Bomb attack]
On August 6, seventy-five years ago, the world’s first nuclear weapon used in wartime was dropped over the Japanese city of Hiroshima.
The world joined hands with Japan to observe the 75th anniversary of the first Atomic Bomb attack. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the event was broadcast online. The bomb attack killed around 1,40,000 people and caused severe injuries. The second bomb was dropped by the US three days later.
2. The Mars test rocket of which space company was successfully flight tested with an upward landing?
[A] Boeing
[B] SpaceX
[C] Air Bus
[D] Tesla
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Correct Answer: B [SpaceX]
The Founder and Chief executive of SpaceX, Elon Musk announced that the company has successfully flight-tested a prototype of its Mars rocket ship.
The test rocket was launched hundreds of feet into the air for nearly 45 seconds and it was landed upright. Some more shorter launches are being planned before the full version of ‘Starship’ would be launched. SpaceX is now the only private company to fly people to and from orbit.
3. Which technology company has partnered with Prasar Bharati for AI-enabled Independence Day celebration?
[A] Microsoft
[B] Google
[C] Facebook
[D] Twitter
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Correct Answer: B [Google]
Technology Giant Google India has collaborated with Prasar Bharati and Virtual Bharat for AI-enabled Independence Day celebration of India.
It seeks to recreate the feeling of singing the National Anthem in schools by using Artificial Intelligence Technology. Participants can download the mentioned application and record themselves singing the anthem. It would convert the voice into traditional instrumental music.
4. Which financial institution has announced to set up an ‘Innovation Hub’ for financial inclusion
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Correct Answer: B [RBI]
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has recently announced that it will establish an innovation hub to assist start-ups to tackle the challenges of financial inclusion.
The hub seeks to provide solutions for efficient banking transactions. This has been introduced in the bi-monthly monetary policy statement released by the RBI. The funds allocated for the project and its location will be disclosed by the Central Bank.
5. India extended a Line of Credit of USD 18 million to which country, to expand fishing facilities?
[A] Malaysia
[B] Maldives
[C] Sri Lanka
[D] Bangladesh
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Correct Answer: B [Maldives]
Indian Government has recently extended a Line of Credit worth 18 million US dollars to the Government of Maldives.
LoC has been extended for expanding fishing facilities at Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO). This is a part of the Line of credit worth USD 800 million Line of credit offered by India to the country.

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