Current Affairs: 5 & 6 July 2011

Dree festival in Arunachal Pradesh

  • Dree Festival: The chief festival of the Apatani community in Arunachal Pradesh
  • Dree being celebrated in the state with conventional passion
  • Few rites are performed to worship and appease Gods and Goddesses, who protect the crops, and ensure well-being
  • In every village, after observing Dree, 7 days taboo period is strictly observed
  • During this 7 days period, people are not allowed to work in the field or garden nor they can bring green vegetables and fire woods as it is supposed that if the adherence of these taboos is violated the performance at the time of festival may not be successful

India, Netherlands to intensify efforts to augment trade, economic ties

  • India and Netherlands to intensify efforts to augment trade and economic ties, which stands at over € 5 Billion at present
  • Decision taken after the External Affairs Minister Mr. S.M.Krishna held extensive talks with his Dutch counterpart Professor Rosenthal in New Delhi
  • Netherlands, a founding member of EU and NATO is one of the most developed countries and the 16th largest economy globally
  • Both leaders also held talks on wide range of bilateral, regional and international issues
  • SBI to open a branch in Netherlands
  • India to set up an Indian Cultural Centre in Netherlands in the near future
  • Professor Rosenthal expressed Netherlands’ support for India’s permanent membership in an expanded UN Security Council

$ 200 million Loan extended to Kerala by the World Bank

  • $ 200 million Loan to Kerala by WB (World Bank)


  • To assist Kerala improve its basic infrastructure facilities in urban and rural areas
  • To help the state usher in second-generation reforms towards greater decentralisation at the local level
  • Around 978 gram panchayats and 60 municipalities in Kerala to benefit from the Project

EU combat group formed by France, Germany and Poland

  • France, Germany and Poland joined forces to form a joint European Union combat group
  • Agreement signed in Brussels, 4 days after Poland assumed the rotating EU presidency
  • EU maintains a rotation of rapid reaction forces, known as Battle Groups, to be positioned in cases of emergency, though they have not yet been called into action
  • The new unit will be known as the Weimar Triangle Combat Group
  • Weimer Triangle Combat Group to become available in 2013
  • Poland will command the group
  • Poland will provide a majority of the 1,700 soldiers
  • Germany will provide logistical support
  • France will contribute medical support
  • Operational command of the unit to be located near Paris, in Mount Valerien, France


Rahul Gandhi’s ‘Kisan Sandesh Padyatra’

  • Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi‘s ‘Kisan Sandesh Padyatra’
  • Mr. Rahul Gandhi began his ‘Kisan Sandesh Yatra’ from Bhatta Parsaul area
  • Bhatta Parsaul has become the nerve centre of the farmers’ movement in the state and has ignited a debate on U.P’s land acquisition policy
  • Rahul Gandhi visiting villages in U.P. and holding small meetings with villagers on the farmers issue including the land acquisition policy of the U.P Government
  • As per Mr. Gandhi he wants to understand the farmers’ views on the development issues
  • Rahul Gandhi will continue his Padyatra up to Aligarh where the Congress is organizing a Kisan Mahapanchayat on the 9th July
    2011 on the land acquisition and other agrarian and developmental issues

Arming of Tribals Unconstitutional: SC

  • Supreme Court criticized the Practice of deploying Vigilante Groups like ‘SALWA JUDUM’ in the fight against Maoist
  • Supreme Court asked the Central Government and Chhattisgarh Governments to discontinue from arming the Tribals in the name of SPOs (SPECIAL POLICE OFFICERs)
  • Supreme Court held that these SPOs were
  • The Apex court criticized the Governments for supporting and funding creation of SPOs under various titles like ‘Koya Commandos’ and ‘Salwa Judum’

Country pays tribute to Babu Jagjivan Ram

  • Rich tributes to the former Deputy Prime Minister of India and one of the founding fathers of the Indian Constitution, Babu Jagjivan Ram on his 25th death anniversary
  • Popularly known as Babuji
  • A man of diverse talents Babuji ascended from a modest beginning to become a cabinet minister and later the Deputy Prime Minister of the country
  • During his tenure as Agriculture Minister, the country saw the Green Revolution
  • He had an uninterrupted parliamentary career of half a century, which is a world record



NHRC issues Notices to states, Ministries for banning use of Asbestos

  • NHRC (National Human Rights Commission) issued notices to all states and several Union Ministries on banning the use of white asbestos
  • It asked them to file a status report on it within 4 weeks
  • Reason for Action: NHRC took into consideration a complaint alleging that around 50,000 people die every year in the country due to asbestos related cancer
  • The complainant Gopal Krishna of Toxics Watch Alliance sought NHRC’s intervention for a ban on the use of White asbestos, which is dangerous for the health and causes a variety of deadly diseases
  • The appellant also requested for grant of compensation package for present and future victims of asbestos related diseases
  • Some facts about White Asbestos:-
  • White asbestos: A Chrysotile Asbestos , a fibrous material used for building roofs and walls
  • Chrysotile is the most common form of Asbestos
  • Chrysotile / White Asbestos has been recommended for inclusion in the Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent
  • If listed in Rotterdam Convention, exports of Chrysotile would only be permitted to countries that explicitly consent to imports
  • Rotterdam Convention: It is an international treaty that restricts the global trade in hazardous materials


78 Gold
at Special Olympics World Summer Games for India

  • Team representing India won 243 Medals for the Country at the Special Olympics World Summer Games held in Athens
  • The medals include 78 Gold, 73 Silver and 92 Bronze
  • The team returned from Athens today
  • Rollers Skating bagged the maximum 31 Gold


Actor Aamir Khan appointed as the Brand Ambassador for India’s Ministry of Women and Child Development

  • Mr. Aamir Khan has been appointed as the Brand Ambassador for India’s Ministry of Women and Child Development for spreading the message of curbing malnutrition among children




  1. hemasantu

    July 8, 2011 at 8:18 pm

    it’s really wonderful…………

  2. ambik

    July 8, 2011 at 8:20 pm

    i am very happy to read this questions,it’s have a great valuable source for student

  3. Ankit

    July 9, 2011 at 3:25 am

    Superb. Keep posting daily news. This is an extremely helpful website.

  4. jagtar

    July 9, 2011 at 4:57 pm

    great effort ,& best source of knowledge.

  5. abhishekism

    July 11, 2011 at 12:08 am

    ypur contents are very useful for us. please if possible update it everyday.

  6. alok

    July 11, 2011 at 2:46 pm



    July 11, 2011 at 8:17 pm

    Useful, Very Valueable and Mostly information about General Studies for competitive exams …..

  8. vineet yadav

    July 13, 2011 at 8:32 am

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  9. revathi

    July 13, 2011 at 5:35 pm

    This is really a great site, but after 6th of jully its not updated, please continue your good work

  10. Ankit

    July 15, 2011 at 12:15 am

    Please continue posting news. This is a wonderful site.


  11. Guptaji

    July 17, 2011 at 9:07 am

    Keep up the good work!

  12. dheeraj

    July 24, 2011 at 12:48 pm

    good but translation not better

  13. pradip

    August 2, 2011 at 10:11 pm

    oh very nice
    update economy and business in daily news
    for all govt exam like bank,ssc,psc etc.


    August 19, 2011 at 1:44 am

    Today Iam very happy,because i see the gktoday website.


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