CSIR and CNRS, France inks MoU for Promotion of Scientific and Technological Research

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between India’s Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), and France’s National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) to establish a framework for cooperation between two institutes towards promotion and support of scientific and technological research.

Highlights of MoU

The MoU was signed with a view of potentially beneficial and synergistic cooperation possibilities between CSIR and CNRS for translating science into technology. Both CSIR and CNRS may explore strengthening their cooperation towards fostering joint innovation and transfer of technologies applicable to India and France as well as to other nations.

The cooperation between two could include promoting technology transfer, sharing good practices and enhancing industry-academia cooperation. Broad research areas of mutual interest include environment and climate change studies; health research; biotechnology (including plant and marine biotechnology); material science and technology; engineering science and technology; and water research.

Background: Just like India and France have been natural partners, the CSIR and CNRS have had longstanding relations starting from 1975. The CSIR labs- CSIR-IICT (Indian Institute of Chemical Technology) and CSIR-NCL (National Chemical Laboratory) are currently implementing joint programmes with CNRS, which have generated several joint publications, patents and Ph.Ds. MoU is expected to boost cooperation even further between CSIR and CNRS and will contribute towards many critical areas like health, water, energy and climate change, etc. as well as contribute towards addressing the global challenges.

About National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France

It is Europe’s largest fundamental research organization. Founded in 1939, CNRS is an interdisciplinary public research organisation under the administrative supervision of French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. With 22 Nobel Laureates and 12 Field medal recipients, CNRS ranks among the leading global research institutions for its excellent research and innovation achievements. CNRS carries out research in different areas and performs fundamental research on applied objectives with French companies in France and also abroad. It has thus set up 4 such co-funded centers with industry partnership in Japan, Singapore and Chin to address local needs.

About Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), India

It is the largest publically funded multi-disciplinary industrial Research & Development organization in India. It was set up in 1942 as an autonomous body and is now under the administrative supervision of Union Ministry of Science and Technology. The R&D institutes of CSIR conduct research in a wide spectrum of science and technology. CSIR India caters to technological needs of Indian as well as foreign industries based in India as well as abroad.


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