CSIR: 32% genetic variants are unique in Indian sequences

A study was conducted by the Council of scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Centre for cellular and Molecular Biology (CSIR-CCMB) and the institute of genomics and integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB). The study was published in the scientific journal nucleic acids research. According to the study, percentage genetic variance is unique in Indian sequences as compared to that of global genomes. The study brings out the importance of India centric population genomic initiative to be conducted worldwide. This is because India is rich in Genetic diversity and also in population density.


India is the second most populous country in the world. It encompasses of 17% of World Population. There are more than 1.3 billion people living in India top also India is rich in Genetic diversity. In spite of this India is highly underrepresented in global genome study.
The Council of scientific and Industrial Research began the IndiGen Programme in 2019. The programme was launched to fill the gap of genome sequences from different populations in India. The programme successfully completed genome Sequencing of 1029 self-declared healthy Indian who were drawn from different regions of the country.

About IndiGen Programme

The programme will find solutions that are applicable in preventive and predictive medicated measures. Also, the programme aims to conduct genome sequencing of thousands of individuals from diverse ethnic groups of India. This will enable genetic epidemiology. Also, it will help in developing Public Health Technological Applications based on Population genome data.

IndiGenomes Resource Database

IndiGenomes Resource Database consists of genomic data from more than 1000 whole-genome sequences that are sequenced from the whole of India. This database is created under the ‘IndiGen Programme’ which was launched in April 2019 under which, genome sequencing of 1029 healthy Indian is done from across India. IGRD enables access to more than 55 million genetic variants.
IGRD provides the identification of markers for carrier screening, variations causing genetic diseases, prevention of adverse events. It provides diagnosis and therapy through resource data. This resource also provides better insights to health professionals and researchers in studying genetics at both the population & individual level.

What is genome?

A genome is a sequence of genes or DNA in a Cell.

First Genome Project

The first country to launch a genome programme was the United Kingdom. It launched the Genomics England programme that aimed to sequence hundred thousand genomes of patients with rare diseases.


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