CRY Report on Crime against Children in India

The Child Rights and You recently released a report “How Vulnerable are Children in India to crime?” The report was based on the analysis of National Crime Records Bureau for 2016-17. The report says that the states of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh topped the list of states for crimes against children. There were over 19,000 cases in both the states.

Key Findings

The highest increase in crimes between the years 2016 and 2017 was seen in Jharkhand. The Child labor in the country saw a substantial increase of 126%. The report says that in 2016 child labor was 204 and it increased to 462 in 2017. As far as Child Marriage is concerned there was an increase of 21.17%. The numbers were based on the cases registered under Prohibition of Child Marriage Act (PCMA), 2006.

Though the numbers in child labor and child marriage has increased, CRY considers it as a positive step. This is because among all the other child crimes, these two are the most unreported.

Recommendations of the CRY

The organization suggests that there has to be increase in financial investments in child protection. The focus should be on capacity building among officials working in child protection systems.


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