Crude Birth Rate, Crude Death Rate and Rate of Natural Increase

Crude Birth Rate

The Crude Birth Rate (CBR) is expressed as number of live births in a year per thousand of population. It is calculated as:

Where Bi is the number of live births during the year and P is the mid-year population. This implies that A country with a population of 2 million and has 40,000 live births per year; it has a crude birth rate of 20.

India’s Crude Birth Rate

The Crude Birth Rate (CBR) at the national level during 2013 stands at 21.4, a decline of 0.2 points over 2012. The maximum CBR has been reported in Bihar (27.6) and the minimum in Kerala (14.7).

Crude Death Rate

Death rate plays an active role in population change. Population growth occurs not only by increasing births rate but also due to decreasing death rate.  Crude Death Rate (CDR) is a simple method of measuring mortality of any area. CDR is expressed in terms of number of deaths in a particular year per thousand of population in a particular region

Where D is the number of deaths and P is mid-year population.

Rate of Natural Increase (RNI)

Crude Birth Rate minus Crude Death Rate is called Rate of natural increase (RNI). The RNI does not take into account the immigration and emigration of people, so it does not show population growth rate. Generally, the developing countries have high RNI while developed countries have low RNI.

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