Corona Virus: SAARC Video Conference; India proposes COVID-19 Emergency Funds

On March 15, 2020, SAARC leaders participated in a video conference to frame a strategy in order to fight Corona Virus. PM Modi attended the video conference on behalf on India.

Proposals of the members

India proposed creation of Covid-19 Emergency Fund. Also, India is to set up disease surveillance portal in order to trace the virus carriers in better way.

Afghanistan suggested to create a common platform for tele-medicine suggestions. Sri Lanka proposed to set up ministerial level group. Other countries like Nepal, Bhutan and Maldives agreed on joint cooperation to fight against the disease. Bangladesh suggested for a creation of health ministerial group.

Pakistan raised Kashmir issue at the conference demanding to life restricting in Jammu and Kashmir region to deal with the threat.

India’s measures

India is fighting Corona Virus with the strategy, “Prepare, don’t panic”. India had started screening people entering India in mid-January. Gradually India imposed travel restrictions and then travel ban. This has helped India to contain the disease spread and keep the numbers lowest to around 100.


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