Convention on Biological Diversity – Update (April, 2022)

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is a multilateral treaty and has three goals which are biological diversity conservation; the components are being used sustainably; and the equitable and fair sharing of benefits that arise from the genetic resources.


  • At the Earth Summit that was held in Rio De Janeiro in 1992, the CBD was opened for signature.
  • In the year 1993, the CBD came into force.
  • The only UN member state that has not ratified this convention is the United States.
  • The CBD has two supplementary agreements, the Nagoya Protocol and the Cartagena Protocol.

The objective of the CBD

The CBD’s objective is the development of strategies so that biological diversity can be conserved and sustainably used. CBD is generally seen as sustainable development’s key document.

About the Nagoya Protocol

The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources is a supplementary agreement of the CBD. Under this protocol, a transparent legal framework has been set for the implementation of one of CBD’s three objectives which is the equitable and fair sharing of benefits that arise from genetic resources. In 2010, in Nagoya, Japan, this protocol was adopted and in 2014 it came into force.

About the Cartagena Protocol

The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity governs the movements from one country to another of all the living modified organisms (LMOs) that result from modern biotechnology. In 2000 this protocol was adopted as CBD’s supplementary agreement and in 2003 it came into force.

Latest Draft recommendation

A draft recommendation was released recently focusing on health and biodiversity. The draft called for a unifying and integrated approach so that the health of people, ecosystems, and animals is sustainably optimized and balanced. COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on well-being, health, and biodiversity was also addressed by the draft. Also, ways were outlined to reduce infection outbreaks and pathogen spillover. Early warning surveillance and information sharing were also focused upon so that pandemics can be prevented. It also stated the need for addressing the inequities in global health such as access to medicines, diagnostics, vaccines, and medical equipment. The governments were also encouraged to implement the One Health approach in their respective COVID-19 recovery plan.



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