Commodity Boards in India
There are five statutory Commodity Boards under the Department of Commerce. These Boards are responsible for production, development and export of tea, coffee, rubber, spices and tobacco.
Coffee Board
- The primary functions of the Board include formulating and implementing programmes and projects for growth and development of the coffee industry.
- Promoting coffee consumption in India and exports in the international market.
- Supporting research.
- Extension and developmental activities for raising productivity.
- Evolving pest and disease resistant varieties
- Prescribing and enforcing quality standards at all stages.
Rubber Board
- The Board is responsible for the development of the rubber industry.
- It assists and encourages scientific, technical and economic research
- Supplying technical advice to rubber growers
- Training growers in improved methods of planting, cultivation and manuring
- Collecting statistics from the owners of estates, dealers, manufacturers.
Tea Board
- The primary functions of the Board include
- Rendering and technical assistance for cultivation, manufacture, marketing of tea.
- Promoting tea exports
- Aiding research and developmental activities for augmentation of tea production and improvement of tea quality
- Encouraging and assisting the unorganized small growers sector financially and technically
- Collecting & maintaining statistical data and its publication for the benefit of growers, processors and exporters.
Tobacco Board
- The primary functions of the Board include regulating the production and curing of Virginia Tobacco
- Keeping a constant watch on the Virginia Tobacco market in India and abroad.
- Ensuring fair and remunerative prices to growers
- Maintaining and improving existing markets and developing new markets abroad by devising appropriate marketing strategies.
Spices Board
- The primary functions of the Board include increasing the production and productivity of small and large cardamom.
- Development, promotion and regulation of export of spices.granting certificate for export of spices.
- Undertaking programmes and projects for promotion of export of spices
- Assisting and encouraging studies and research for improvement of processing, grading and packaging of spices.
- Striving towards stabilization of prices of spices for export and controlling and upgrading quality for export.